According to the City of Miami Springs, Detective Ray Tamargo, Detective Jason Hall, Police Officer Brian Nickerson, and recently hired Police Officer Fenicett Iribar, were instrumental in cracking a case of bank jugging.


  • The term is used to describe suspects who sit in bank parking lots (or nearby areas) and watch customers go in and out of a bank. The suspects follow the customers they believe are in possession of cash and look for an opportunity to burglarize their vehicles or rob them directly.
  • “Juggers” most frequently target customers carrying bank bags, bank envelopes and coin boxes.

According to the city, this type of crime had recently made a resurgence.  Fortunately, due to professional police work and investigative skills, these detectives and officers were “able to find the subject behind a $2,000 theft that took place early last week. More so, the detectives were able to recover the money in full and will be returned to its victim, a resident of Miami Springs.”

According to the City of Miami Springs, the officers “were able to identify the criminal behind this ‘Bank Jugging’ scheme. The subject has been arrested and charged with ‘Burglary of an Unoccupied Conveyance’, with ‘Loitering and Prowling’, and with 3rd Degree Grand Theft.”


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