Miami Springs Middle School works with the local elementary schools to share all the options and exciting programs Miami Springs Middle has to offer the students who graduate our local elementary schools.

On Wednesday, the team at Springview Elementary visited Miami Springs Middle for a tour of the school and review of the various programs that await students who want to join the Eagles.

Here you see Miami Springs Middle School Assistant Principal, Constantino Hernandez, addressing students inside the auditorium.


Among the many programs available, Miami Springs Middle is proud to offer their iPrep.math program.

“iPrep Math was born from the vision of providing immediate access to a 21st century learning environment in the critical content area of mathematics to the maximum number of students possible. iPrep Math represents a significant departure from the traditional methods of mathematics instruction in M-DCPS to one that is more aligned with the goals of the new Florida Standards and that will provide students with a foundation and experiences, such as independence, decision-making, collaboration, persistence-on-task, and self-pacing that are relevant to the 21st century work environment.

iPrep Math has establish improved infrastructure and technology throughout all 49 traditional middle schools, a cadre of content-expert, technology-savvy teachers, site-embedded experience with blended learning and personalized instruction using the Carnegie Learning Mathia curriculum.”


One of the programs Miami Springs Middle highlighted was their Mock Trial program for their “Legal Eagles.”

The school even has a mock courtroom setup with benches for the audience, tables for the lawyers on each side, podium, and a section for the jury.  Top notch!


Miami Springs Middle School also offers the Restorative Justice Practice that allows students the ability to come together in peer-mediated small groups to talk, ask questions, and discuss issues.

Learn more about Miami Springs Middle School at:



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