Every time we get a tropical storm, hurricane, or even a strong thunderstorm, we can easily lose power to some, if not all, of Miami Springs.  The dense tree canopy of Miami Springs provides countless opportunities for tree branches to knock down power lines during some of these severe storms.

Florida Power & Light announced that Miami Springs would be part of the Storm Secure Underground Pilot Program.  This pilot program would move certain segments of power lines underground in Miami Springs.  According to the city, only 1,042 residents in Miami Springs will benefit from this pilot program.

According to the city, residents selected for the underground lines will be notified via mail along with a follow up in person meeting.  Once the conversion is underway, it is expected to take about 2 – 4 hours per residence.  The overall project is estimated to be completed within 2 to 4 months.

Will my home get underground power?

Only a fraction of Miami Springs will get the underground power lines.  The map below highlights the areas FPL will be targeting.

Click to see larger map.

FPL Presentation

Below is the presentation provided by Florida Power & Light regarding the Miami Springs Pilot Program.




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