Jeni Love shared the following video of what appears to be about a 4 foot alligator swimming along the Miami River Canal that separates Miami Springs and Hialeah. The gator was filmed just off of Canal Street near Cracker’s Casual Dining.
The alligator isn’t disturbing anyone and really isn’t a threat to humans unless you feed the animal. Remember, it’s illegal to feed alligators. They lose their natural fear of humans and begin to associate humans with food. That leads to the gator becoming a nuisance gator.

Miami Springs is surrounded by canals, lakes, and waterways. it is very common to see alligators in our waterways. In fact, it’s a treat to enjoy these native animals in the wild. Even if the “wild” has become urbanized.

Alligator Mating Season
Alligator mating season typically occurs in South Florida from April to June. During this time, male alligators become more active and aggressive as they search for a mate. They may be seen more frequently in areas where they are not normally seen, such as residential neighborhoods, golf courses, and parks.

Here are some tips on how to stay safe from alligators:
- Keep your distance: It’s important to stay at least 20-30 feet away from alligators in the wild. They can move quickly and are dangerous at close range.
- Never feed alligators: Feeding alligators can cause them to associate humans with food and become more aggressive towards people.
- Avoid swimming in areas where alligators are known to live: Alligators are most commonly found in freshwater bodies such as rivers, lakes, ponds, and swamps.
- Be aware of your surroundings: When walking near waterways, keep an eye out for alligators or any signs that they may be present, such as nests or tracks.
- Keep pets on a leash: Alligators may view pets as prey and try to attack them. Keep pets on a leash and away from waterways.
- Don’t approach alligators: Even if an alligator appears to be docile, do not approach it. Alligators can move quickly and attack without warning.
- Seek help if needed: If you encounter an alligator that is behaving aggressively, leave the area immediately and contact local authorities for assistance.

Remember, alligators are wild animals and should be treated with caution and respect. By following these safety tips, you can reduce your risk of encountering an alligator and stay safe in their habitat.