The City of Miami Springs has a current millage rate of 6.9100.  The City Council met this week to set the initial millage rate cap.

Councilwoman Jacky Bravo had a motion to set the millage rate cap at 6.9900, but the motion died due to a lack of a second.

Miami Springs City Hall
Miami Springs City Hall

Councilman Jorge Santin made a motion to set the initial millage rate cap at a higher rate of 7.4100.  Councilman Victor Vazquez seconded the motion.  The Council voted as follows:

  • Santin – Yes
  • Bravo – No
  • Fajet – Yes
  • Vazquez – Yes
  • Mitchell – Yes

NOTE:  The initial millage rate is not final.  The final millage rate can be lower, but cannot be higher than the initial rate of 7.4100.  At 7.4100, the millage rate is 7.2% higher than our current millage rate of 6.9100.



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