Miami Springs resident, Malenys Hernandez, opens a FREE Little Library pickup and drop/off at her Miami Springs home.

“We’d like to invite everyone of all ages to pass by our little free library to pick up a book or drop off a book!” – Malenys Hernandez

“…I did not think too many people would even care or be interested…” said Malenys, but the community is definitely interested in this little library.

The mini library is located at 1620 Lenape Drive.  There are no specific guidelines other than keeping all books dropped off family friendly.

When asked what inspired her to create a family friendly community little library, Malenys responded, “My kids inspired me, they’re the inspiration for almost everything I do. They assembled it with my husband and they stained the wood. And the reason I posted it on Facebook was because I wanted to share something positive. I believe positivity cultivates more positivity.”

Another reason we #LoveMiamiSprings.


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