4/5/2016 0:00:00
The destruction of the Tot Lot on Prince Field has commenced.
As you probably know, the Tot Lot on Prince Field was a community project. The Miami Springs community rallied together about 20 years ago, donated money, donated time, donated labor, and built the all wooden structure.
The Tot Lot meant a lot to this community. It was beautiful. An all wooden structure playground that let the imagination of children go wild.
It was unique. There is no other tot lot like it in South Florida.
It was fun. Children would spend hours upon hours climbing up and down the tot lot. Playing hide and go seek. Pretending to be the kings and queens of the playground.
Unlike most municipal projects, the city didn`t pay for it. It was paid for by private donations and fundraisers. A real win win for the community.
At the last council meeting, the council voted 4 to 1 (Rosie Buckner voted no) to replace the tot lot instead of repairing it.
The new tot lot is estimated to cost $319,000 and will be built with plastic instead of wood. Below, you`ll find a a rendering of the new tot lot: