LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Concerned Citizen on Minola Drive
October 4, 2021
Dear Neighbor,
Why are my windows and walls shaking at 7:45 Am this Monday Morning? Why are their construction vehicles beeping in our backyards?
We moved here for peace, quiet and safety. Who is approving the expansion of a small Charter Elementery school to Middle school now to a High School?
Why are the residents of Miami Springs not being ask for their input on how this will affect our safety due to the well documented increase in violence in our schools, the increase in speeding and traffic on our quiet street and how this affects our property value?
I would have never moved to a property with my children to a house backing up to a High School. That would have been a deal breaker. So now without notice we do?
These are a few questions that come to mind, I’m sure the other residents on Minola Drive have more concerns and questions afforded the opportunity ask them. Most high schools are built on an Island if you will so for example Miami Springs High does not back up to residents property. It looks like Academy for International Education has expanded by adding portables and is currently adding a cement structure.
Why aren’t residents and the community being informed and asked for their input. It affects all of us!
Why not expand towards East Drive away from homes?
Thank you,
Concerned Citizen on Minola Drive
Wishes to stay anonymous
In response, AIE sent us the following response:
If you wish to publish your community concerns, you can do so by emailing: Editor@MiamiSprings.com.
Who wrote this? Why write something so childish and selfish and expect people to support you? Especially if you don’t have the guts to stand up like an adult and take credit for it? Sad and ridiculous people…
Yes Dug, you are childish and selfish, why don’t you stand up and take credit for your comment instead of posting anonymously?
yours truly
Fredo Trump