While Miami Springs will be celebrating 305 day at the River Cities Festival, the infamous Factory Town will be hosting a 305 Day Concert. The 305 Day Concert is advertised to end at 11pm this Saturday night. If that indeed is the case, we shouldn’t expect to get many calls as that shouldn’t bug too many people. it’s a Saturday night concert and it shuts down at a reasonable time.

Furthermore, at last night’s City Council Meeting, the City Attorney advised that Factory Town has made adjustments to how their speakers will project sound. This might be a good opportunity to see if the changes they made indeed restrain the “boom, boom, boom” from projecting into Miami Springs.
In a perfect world, Factory Town will have a successful concert without disturbing the peace in Miami Springs. Fingers crossed.
That said, if you hear excessive noise this weekend, go ahead and register the complaint with Miami Springs Police 305.888.9711 so that they maintain a record should legal matters need to escalate further.
Hello there! My name is JennyLee Molina, I am a former Miami Springs resident and also the organizer for 305 DAY at Factory Town. Both 305 DAY and Factory Town made a conscious effort to keep the music within a reasonable level and even the staging was set so the noise wouldn’t travel. Factory Town has been working on sound testing to mitigate this issue for the future.
I am sure no one would have ever thought the music would travel as far as it did but Miami Springs should rest easy knowing that Factory Town has every intention of being good neighbors and was very adamant about our noise level and speakers not being too powerful.
Hello there! My name is JennyLee Molina, I am a former Miami Springs resident and also the organizer for 305 DAY at Factory Town. Both 305 DAY and Factory Town made a conscious effort to keep the music within a reasonable level and even the staging was set so the noise wouldn’t travel. Factory Town has been working on sound testing to mitigate this issue for the future,
I am sure no one would have ever thought the music would travel as far as it did but Miami Springs should rest easy knowing that Factory Town has every intention of being good neighbors and was very adamant about our noise level and speakers not being too powerful.