In 2015 we warned you that the new Miami Springs pool was going to be much smaller than the grand olympic sized pool we had for over 50 years. We also informed you that much of the money was going into creating more buildings. In other words, more building space. Less pool space. Now you can see the construction of the new pool with your own eyes. Total construction cost: $5 MILLION.
It was a glorious return for the Blessed Trinity Parish Festival after being shut down in 2020 last year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Church was blessed with great weather for the four day Festival. But more importantly, it was blessed with a fantastic crowd of families that enjoyed the Carnival Rides, Games, Fun Houses, Food, Drinks, Bingo, Garage Sale, and Auction.
The Festival opened up on Thursday night at 6pm as the kids began to enjoy the rides and food and games. Friday night kicked it up a notch as the crowds grew and the entertainment kicked up as well. Saturday is usually the big highlight with families spending either part of their day and many the entire day at the Festival. Saturday started off with a little cloud cover keep the temperatures cool. However, by the early afternoon, the cloud cover had given way to sunny skies and a glorious Saturday afternoon. The evening brought in some very comfortable temperatures with clear skies for just perfect festival weather. Sunday was the close of the festival with sunny skies the whole day.
The Festival has always been about fun, family, friends, and that other F-word…FAITH! Father Hualpa had a special prayer and blessings for the Festival on Friday.
Father went around to bless some of the Festival volunteers including Irandis who stopped during his preparation to receive Father’s blessing.
Father Hualpa also had a special gathering at the Blessed Trinity Circle where the students gathered to pray and receive Father’s blessings.
Of course, you know the kids wanted to hurry and get on the rides. And the Festival had lots of fun rides for kids of all ages.
The big Ferris wheel has always been popular providing riders with beautiful views of Virginia Gardens, Miami Springs, and Miami International Airport. And the cool comfortable weather was perfect to share a ride with your sweetheart.
The more adventurous kids enjoyed the ROCK-O-PLANE. The Rock-O-Plane is what you get when your cross a Ferris Wheel with the famous Zipper ride. You can go up and down and upside down.
One thing that photos, videos, or audio recordings can never replicate is the wonderful smell of food you get while entering the Festival grounds. There was a lot of food to be had from Pan con Lechon, to steaks, to sausages, and so much more. Just thinking of all that food makes my mouth water.
The great weather and the desire to come together again, in person, and enjoy this wonderful Miami Springs and Virginia Gardens tradition was expressed by the big crowds at the Festival, especially on Saturday and Sunday. Mind you, this was the first time the Blessed Trinity Parish Festival had to compete with the Miami-Dade County Youth Fair which was having its final weekend at the same time.
When a Festival has been away for a while, it takes a lot to bring it back together. We have to thank all of the volunteers and hard working people who came together to make the 2021 Blessed Trinity Parish Festival a resounding success. There were dozens and dozens of volunteers who put this all together. Thank you. We also need a special shout out to the leaders of the Festival Committee, Jenny and Lino Cruz. Thank you for your hard work and commitment to our faith community. God bless you guys! You guys are amazing!
Thanks to the Festival Sponsors
We also have to give a great big thanks to all the sponsors that helped to support the 2021 Blessed Trinity Parish Festival including: