The City of Miami Springs is bringing back hedge height restrictions.  The new ordinance just passed the first reading last week and will be going through a second reading before it becomes official.

The new ordinance restricts hedges to a height of 8 feet in side and rear yards.  Hedges located in front yards will also have a restriction of 8 feet except within any visibility triangle.  Hedges within a visibility triangle must be maintained at a height that does not exceed 3.5 feet.

What is a visibility triangle?

A visibility triangle as defined by the City of Miami Springs is an area formed within a property by the intersection of two street lines or of a street line and any driveway line, or the projections thereof and a straight line connecting them at a certain distance from their point of intersection.

Visibility triangle measurement
For the purposes of this subsection, visibility triangles shall be measured as follows:

  • (a) Driveway intersecting street.
    A length of five (5) feet along the street right-of-way, measured from the outer edges of the driveway (in any configuration), and a length of ten (10) feet along the driveway, measured from the front property line toward the main building or structure.
  • (b) Street intersecting street.
    A length of twenty (20) feet along the abutting public right-of-way lines, measured from their point of intersection.


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