When we think of the amazing wildlife in Miami Springs, we often think of the many birds, the iguanas, the ducks, the raccoons, squirrels, and even foxes. But we often overlook the many aquatic creatures that visit our community. That includes the many fish, turtles, alligators, and the gentle giants known as manatees.
Local resident, Oscar Alexander Garcia, took these great photos of manatees in our Miami Springs canals and we had to share with the community.
One of the most beautiful thing about the pictures of these manatees is the lack of scars on their backs. That’s a great sign that boaters have been more careful as we all attempt to protect this beautiful creature.
Manatees were once on the endangered species list. Fortunately, due to boating restrictions and manatee speed zones, the manatees have recovered. Though they are still considered a threatened species, education and mass awareness by the public has helped the manatees survive for future generations to enjoy.
If you have pictures or videos of wildlife in Miami Springs that you’d like to share, feel free to email them to editor@MiamiSprings.com.