In 2015 we warned you that the new Miami Springs pool was going to be much smaller than the grand olympic sized pool we had for over 50 years. We also informed you that much of the money was going into creating more buildings. In other words, more building space. Less pool space. Now you can see the construction of the new pool with your own eyes. Total construction cost: $5 MILLION.
Seniors trying to get the vaccine have been frustrated with websites that tell you to check back periodically. While the vaccines are being distributed, the state will only allow people to get the 1st shot of the vaccine if there’s enough inventory of the 2nd shot of the vaccine. The state does not want to give people the 1st shot, but not be able to get the 2nd shot within the required timeframe. Thus, the vaccine slots have been very limited. Nevertheless, all efforts are being made to secure more vaccines for seniors of South Florida.
Numbers drop within our zip code. Will this pattern sustain as more and more people get the vaccine? Are we starting to see her immunity? It’s too early to tell, but we’ve dropped from a high of 259 new cases in our zip code 5 weeks ago to 143 new cases last week. This is encouraging news. In Miami Springs, we estimate we had 79 new cases of COVID in the last 7 days.
The number of new cases of COVID-19 in Miami-Dade County dropped last week to 13,604. Countywide, we’ve been up and down for the past 9 weeks. We’ll need to see a few weeks of decline to claim a downward trend countywide.
New Hospitalizations dropped last week to 244. Again, one week does not make a trend, but we’re happy to see that local hospitals are not being as stressed right now as they were in August.
Fatalities remained flat last week with 142 deaths last week. We can’t wait to see this number dip down to single digits.
New case counts remain high statewide, but we can’t ignore that new cases have dropped for 4 straight weeks. This is highly encouraging.
Unfortunately, the overall rise in cases we saw at the end of last year is leading to some of the highest number of fatalities from COVID-19 with 1,234 fatalities statewide over the last 7 days.