Miami-Dade has had a lower fatality rate compared to the state, but the rate of fatalities in Miami-Dade County has continued to climb. The latest numbers are showing 125 COVID-19 deaths out of 7,555 confirmed cases or a fatality rate of 1.7%. Miami-Dade has over 600 people who have needed hospitalization or an 8% hospitalization rate.
On the positive side, that means 92% of the people who have COVID-19 have not required hospitalization. it also means that 98% have survived the disease here in Miami-Dade.
Statewide, the ratios are different. There have been over 21,000 confirmed cases in the State of Florida. Nearly 3,000 have required a hospitalization say or 14%. 524 people have died in the state of Florida due to the Coronavirus. That puts the fatality rate in the State of Florida at 2.5%.
Closer to home, there are over 900 cases of Coronavirus in Hialeah with another 98 in Doral. Our zip code, 33166, has 56 confirmed cases.
As you can see in the graph above, there has been a flattening of the curve of fnew cases. You can even see an ever slight decline in the number of new confirmed cases of the Coronavirus. This is a great sign that people are washing their hands, practicing social distancing, and wearing a mask in public.
The question on everyone’s mind, When will we get back to normal? When will certain businesses re-open? When will life get back to some sense of normal?
I don’t know about you, but handshaking will probably not come back this year. And even when businesses re-open, we’ll still be wearing masks.
What does the future look like for you and your family?