Notice is hereby given to the public that the property known as the MS/VG Optimist Club, hereafter referred to as the “Club”, is going up for sale. The board voted in October of 2020 unanimously of all members in attendance to sell the property for the betterment of the organization. The sale proceeds will be invested annually, and the interest generated will be donated to the youth groups of Miami Springs and Virginia Gardens. This is within the scope of what the club now does yearly. We host fundraisers and disburse the funds raised to youth groups requesting or needing them. Recent beneficiaries of the club’s generosity include…new scoreboard for the MSSH Baseball team, money to the baseball team, Boy Scouts Troop 334, Civil Air Patrol, MSSH Wrestling team (prior to being disbanded), soccer and football programs…etc.


Miami Springs / Virginia Gardens Optimist Club, Inc., a non-profit Florida Corporation. Property description as “Tract A, Second Addition to Spring View, according to the plat thereafter as recorded in Plat Book 51, page 100, Public Records of Miami-Dade County, Florida.” Admeasuring 41,870 sq.ft.

Any questions or concerns please contact Club President James Fulton III




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