Notice Text
RFP Name: Miami Springs Golf and Country Club Roof Repairs
RFP No.: 03-21/22

Second Bid-Opening: May 23rd, 2022 at 2:30P.M.(EST) Hybrid Meeting
(In-Person & Zoom)
City of Miami Springs – City Hall
201 Westward Drive – Second Floor – Council Chambers
Miami Springs, Florida 33166
Zoom Meeting Details
Meeting ID: 864 7475 7373
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NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Of Miami Springs (“city”) was soliciting proposals for Miami Springs Golf and Country Club Roof Repairs. Interested companies, firms, and individuals (“Respondents”) obtained a copy of Request for Proposals No. 03-21/22 (the “RFP”) initially issued on March 16th, 2022 at the City of Miami Springs, City Hall – City Clerk’s Office – Second Floor, 201 Westward Drive, Miami Springs, FL 33166 or through the Onvia DemandStar portal (, the City’s webpage at and in the Daily Business Review (DBR). The RFP contained detailed information about the scope of services, submission requirements, and selection procedures.
Proposals were uploaded onto DemandStar and marked “Proposal to City of Miami Springs RFP No. 03-21/22 for Miami Springs Golf and Country Club Roof Repairs and/or submitted in person at our City Hall. Proposal(s) were received by the City and were due on May 10th, 2022 at 2:30P.M.(EST), via DemandStar and/or in person at which time the Proposals were opened publicly. Respondents were responsible for ensuring that their proposal was received in the Clerk’s Office by the deadline.
The City is issuing this Second Public Notice for the purposes of holding a Second Bid-Opening hybrid meeting both in person and virtually via Zoom, per the details listed above. Proposal(s) submissions will not be accepted at this time.
Pursuant to subsection (t) “Cone of Silence” of Section 2-11.1 “Conflict of Interest and Code of Ethics Ordinance” of Miami-Dade County, public notice is hereby given that a “Cone of Silence” is imposed concerning this solicitation. The “Cone of Silence” prohibits communications concerning RFP’s, RFQ’s or Bids, until such time as a written recommendation is presented to the City Mayor and Council concerning the transaction. Procedures regarding the Cone of Silence can be found in the RFP documents.
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