The ridiculous drama between Wally Clark and the City of Miami Springs made its way onto WSVN’s Help Me Howard.  

Photo courtesy WSVN featuring Wally Clark.
Photo courtesy WSVN featuring Wally Clark.

As you probably know, Wally Clark was denied entrance into the City’s Daddy and Daughter Dance, an event Wally Clark has covered for several years.  According to Wally Clark, he was uninvited from the event as he is not associated with a publication.

If true, we believe that’s a bunch of Malarkey to put it kindly.  Clark continues to shoot photos for the community, a passion he’s enjoyed for decades.  His work is enjoyed by thousands.

The city should have just let the man take his photos.  What was the big deal letting him take pictures?  The city should encourage the promotion of the event.  Everyone in our little town knows that Wally’s the best local photographer.  What was the big deal?

According to Howard Finkelstein, “a government agency has a right to only allow credentialed media.”  My question is, who’s a credentialed media?

Nevertheless, Finkelstein added, “if Wally can prove the policy was used to target him, then the city may have crossed the legal line.”

According to the report, Wally claims he will now sue the City of Miami Springs.

What do you think?  Did the City of Miami Springs blow this out of proportion by not allowing Wally to shoot photos at the dance?

Let us know what you think.

See the WSVN Help Me Howard Segment here.



  1. Wally is infamously litigious and thin-skinned. I wonder what he did to become unwelcome. I’m not saying the city manager was right to ban him, but Wally can be quite obnoxious.

  2. I don’t think he has a leg to stand on. There is no reason for him to be there but to personally profit. He does not take photographs for a legitimate media outlet. The Gazette is an amateur paper that publishes events and rumors/opinions without even an internet presence.
    Remember, this is also the guy that invited a friend to make porn with his wife to sell online and then threatened their lives when they started having feelings for each other. They didn’t have an affair. She told him about her feelings and the death threats and restraining orders then came into play. He’s a liability an the city did their job in preventing it.

    Also: What do you think this person will do with pictures of underage girls dressed up in cute outfits? There is a huge market online for porn and per court filings, he is already acquainted with the business. He’s not a historian, no matter what he pretends. He’s using people to fuel his retirement by making money on FB selling ads to his page

  3. What if the city hired another photographer?
    I wouldn’t want some stranger taking pictures of my son without permission.
    Does he have a contract with the city as the only photographer?

    If not then I don’t see what the big deal is. If you are not going to attend the dance with your daughter then you shouldn’t be there. Simple.


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