Win FREE Local Marketing

Every business needs to be able to communicate with its target audience.  Businesses need to be able to share their story, their value proposition, and the benefits to their customers. has been serving the Miami Springs Community since 1997.  And since then we’ve grown to become the #1 source for news in Miami Springs. reaches the local audience with a multi-channel approach that includes:

  • website with over 20,000 visitors monthly (that’s bigger than the population of Miami Springs)
  • Facebook Page with over 10,000+ followers
  • Miami Springs Community Group on Facebook with over 5,400 members
  • @MiamiSpringsFL Instagram Account with nearly 4,000 followers
  • @MiamiSprings Twitter Account with over 3,000 followers
  • Weekly Email Newsletter with over 8,000 subscribers
  • Coming Soon: Magazine delivered to every residential address in Miami Springs

And we partner with high quality local businesses to share their story with their customers within the Miami Springs Community.  Our goal has always been to make it effective and affordable.  And to ensure we provide value for our audience, the Miami Springs Community and our Business Partners.  As we continue to grow, we’re giving away a FREE month of digital advertising that includes promotions on our website, email newsletter, and social media channels for FREE.  That’s a $750 value.

Here’s how to enter:

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Contest Rules:

Open to any legal business operating in the State of Florida with the exception of businesses trading in drugs, medicine, cannabis, and/or other businesses morally incongruent with the family friendly nature of Miami Springs.  The winner will be picked during Labor Day Weekend and announced on   The business does not have to be located in Miami Springs, but must offer a quality product or service that can be easily used and/or consumed by the Miami Springs Community.  This is a contest and not a game of chance.  The winner will be selected based on a combination of factors including:

  • How well the company can service the Miami Springs Community
  • The quality of the product / service provided by the company
  • Why they feel Marketing is Effective

For more information email or call 305.775.4094.