The City of Miami Springs Finance Director prepared the following memorandum for the 2023-24 budget workshop meetings.  It also includes the revenues and expenditures from past years as well as the initial proposals for the 2023-2024 fiscal year.

Below you’ll find:

  • Memo from the City Finance Director
  • Listing of Possible Cost Reductions
  • 2023-24 Wish List Items
  • Fiscal History
  • Annual Revenue Comparison
  • Spending by Department
  • Top Expenditures
  • City Employee Pay Ranges

What areas do you believe deserve more spending?  What areas do you believe deserve more cuts?  Review the details below and share your thoughts in the comments section.

In preparation for the first budget workshop scheduled for August 7, 2023, we are presenting Council with the FY 23-24 budget workbook which includes various options and alternatives to assist Council in making sound financial decisions when addressing the proposed FY 23-24 budget.

At the millage rate cap of 6.9900, the budget would show a deficit of $594,603 that may be funded from available fund balance.

At the current operating millage rate of 6.9100, the budget will create a deficit of $716,625. This scenario also includes the budget assumptions detailed below and does not include any items on the wish list.

Each reduction of .10 in millage is equivalent to $152,528 for FY 23-24.

The total General fund budget is $23,111,476 of which $14,121,576 or 61.1% represents employee salaries and benefits. The remainder of $8,989,900 is to cover all other City needs.

The following are the more significant budget funding requirements:

  • For FY 23-24 we have capital expenditures of approximately $163,100 in the General fund, which includes the following;
    • Parks and recreation has $20,000 to renovate tennis courts,
    • Finance has $1,500 for an electronic check signing program,
    • Golf has $4,000 for refreshing the shop and driving range ball machine areas,
    • Police has
      • $3,000 for two admin laptops,
      • $1,100 for one router,
      • $20,000 for seven Toughbook laptops, (That’s $2,857 per laptop)
      • $8,000 for five AED Defibrillators, (That’s $1,600 per defibrillator)
      • $49,500 for ten radios, (That’s $4,950 per radio)
      • $16,000 for cameras and license (grant funded),
      • $30,000 for storage array (grant funded) and
      • $10,000 for fingerprint scanners.

The following are other funds that do not affect the general fund:

      • The Sanitation department, which is an Enterprise fund, included $34,383 for a new Ford F-150 Regular Cab XL 4×2

Other General Fund Costs:

      • The FY 23-24 budget includes a 4% COLA (Cost of Living Adjustment) for all general employees, total General fund cost of this is approximately $213,000.
      • For FY 23-24 we will be adding an additional part time code compliance officer.
      • Health insurance costs will increase by 8.5% for FY 23-24
      • Total cost of this increase in General fund is approximately $128,000
      • Property insurance costs will increase by approximately 140% for FY 23-24.  Total cost of this increase in General fund is approximately $419.000
      • The City is currently in union negotiations with the FOP.
        • The Police budget includes retirement payouts in the amount of approximately $159,000. 
      • Budget includes an approximate annual increase in the City Manager budget of $155,000.
      • The City Manager budget includes $45,000 tor the City’s lobbyist, as well as $36,000 for grant writer services.
      • Increase in Senior Center funding of approximately $210,000.
      • The Public Works budget includes $50,000 for citywide tree planting, and $100,000 for tree trimming.
      • Council budget includes:
        • $35,000 funding request from CMI (Curtiss Mansion) for next fiscal year,
        • $14,000 for the River Cities Festival, and
        • $6,000 request from the Historic Museum for storage costs.

The city has accumulated a healthy unassigned fund balance over the years in order to meet unexpected events or disasters. It is projected that at the end of FY 23 the available and unassigned general fund balance will be approx. $7.0 million.

As you are aware, the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) recommends a reserve of 15% of annual budgeted expenditures. A few years ago, the City Council and Administration established an internal policy that the reserve level should be 25%. For FY 23-24 the reserve at the 15% level would be approx. $3.5 million while at 25% the reserve would be $5.8 million. The current policy states that if reserves fall below 25%, the city would need to plan to replenish the reserves back to the 25% level
within the following two fiscal years.

Pages 1-3 provides some possible reductions based on past history and experience with previous budget workshops. Some of the proposed reductions affect service levels and some do not, some affect employee pay and benefits while others affect current programs and subsidies. Pages 1-4 lists some budget considerations (wish list) that are not included in the budget discussed above but are presented for Council discussion and consideration. Page 1-5 is a financial dashboard showing the history of millage rates for the past 20 years as well as fund balances during these years. Page 1-6 provides Council with a graphic view of the City’s funds and their relation to each other and to the General fund.



Tho original City Manager’s Proposed Budget for FY 2023-24 is based on an operating millage of 6.9900 whlch results in a deficit of $607,911 to be funded by available fund balance.

The current status of the budget at a 6.9900 millage Is a deficit of $507,911.

1 – Annual Event Subsidies:

2 – Eliminate all General Fund Capital Expenditures:

3 – Personnel Related Reductions:

    1. Across the board 4% COLA for General Employees ( each 1% ccsts S53,167)
      • $212,669
    2. Addition of one Part Time Code Compliance Officer
      • $27,989

4 – Personnel Related Reductions:

Miami Springs Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Wish List Items:

Miami Springs Fiscal History:


Revenue Comparison – General Fund
Line Item Revenue FY 20-21 FY 21-22 FY 22-23 Amended Budget FY 23-24 Proposed Budget
Ad Valorem Taxes• Current       9,801,178       9,542,357       9,517,252     10,661,710
Ad Valorem Taxes • Delinquent                   –                   –            50,000                   –
Franchise Fees          939,458       1,120,195          989,000       1,038,450
Utility Service Taxes       1,329,338       1,408,319       1,340,000       1,407,000
Local Communications Tax          477,957          369,153          441,585          472,496
Occupational Licenses-City            60,435            60,426            71,000            71,000
Occupational Licenses-County            25,703            22,633            24,000            24,000
Zoning Fees            53,360            45,600            48,000            40,000
Misc Plan Reviews                 950                 850                 500                 500
State Revenue Sharing          529,374          637,956          583,643          623,122
Alcoholic Beverage License            10,991            13,232            10,000            10,000
1/2-cent Sales Tax       1,166,349       1,422,478       1,206,143       1,288,352
Local Option Gas Tax          342,118          366,008          373,602          399,754
Gas Tax Rebate            15,988            10,868            15,000            15,000
Total Government Tax Revenue     14,753,199     15,020,075     14,669,725     16,051,384
Summer Camp Activity Fees              6,350            19,600            30,000            30,000
Summer Camp            93,238          103,840          120,000          120,000
Fitness Room Membership            21,569            19,696            20,000            20,000
After School Program              8,516            17,927            45,000            45,000
Gym Admission Fees                   –              4,566              2,500              2,500
Get Fit Summer Camp                 500                   –                   –                   –
Vending Machines                 270              1,559              3,500              3,500
Basketball Fees              3,825            20,850            18,000            20,000
Flag Football                   –            17,938                   –            10,000
Pelican Theatre                 749              4,290              5,000              5,000
Jazzercise                 644              1,346              1,300              1,300
Daddy/Daughter Dance                   –              3,440              5,000              5,000
Other Annual Events              2,550              9,603            13,000            13,000
Fireworks-VG              3,000              4,000              4,000              4,000
Rec Center / Rec Dept Revenues          141,211          228,655          267,300          279,300
Pool Admissions/Lessons          115,022          160,484            97,000          130,000
Pool Rental            10,020            10,336            10,000            10,000
Pool Memberships            21,891            25,995            20,000            20,000
Pool Party Room Rental              9,130            20,277            14,000            14,000
Pool Cabana / Umbrella Rentals              9,658            22,850            12,000            12,000
Pool Revenues          165,721          239,942          153,000          186,000
Golf Green Fees       1,499,609          965,776       1,173,000       2,140,200
Cart Fees                   –          572,995            30,000            73,080
Golf Merchandise/Food & Beverage Sales          149,512          155,900            88,200          154,860
Golf Range Fees          284,670          275,691          245,000          339,300
Misc. Club Rental/lessons            29,935            34,999              8,800            42,717
Golf memberships          131,709          103,008            45,000            53,070
Golf Revenues       2,095,435       2,108,369       1,590,000       2,803,227
Miscellaneous Charges for Serv                   –            19,360                 500                 500
Copies & Other Charges              6,067              2,817              6,000              5,000
Lien Search            32,150            33,450            30,000            20,000
Re-Occupancy Inspection fees            20,375            16,875            20,000            15,000
Clerk of the Court • Fines            53,026          205,470          140,000          145,000
Code Enforcement tickets          182,905        (118,830)            75,000            50,000
Admin Fees / Fines          294,523          159,142          271,500          235,500
Disabled Parking tickets                   –                   –            19,594            19,500
Red Light Fines          614,773       1,130,632       1,157,526       1,100,000
Administrative Fee-Red Light hearings            15,766            19,447            20,000            15,000
Police grant – FL Digital                   –                   –                   –          500,000
Other Grants          348,119            16,395              6,416              5,000
Police Fees / Grant Revenues          978,658       1,166,474       1,203,536       1,639,500
Interest – Investments              9,861            10,733            30,000            50,000
Interest• Tax Collections              3,231              7,341              6,000              6,000
Rent • Metro Fire            13,665            16,638            14,000            14,000
Rent • Dade Co. Library              8,253              8,253              8,500              8,500
Rent • Bus Benches              3,845              4,488              4,500              4,500
Recreational Activities              1,330            17,540            20,000            20,000
Sprint Tower          101,002          103,875          104,000          105,000
Rent-Country Club            37,000            49,196                   –            60,000
Senior Center Rentals                   –               (800)                   –                   –
Surplus Sale of Equipment              1,400            18,975            25,000            20,000
Govt Business Revenues          179,587          236,239          212,000          288,000
Other Miscellaneous Fees          133,483          156,110          127,000            75,000
Returned Check Charges                   18                 559                 800                 250
Code Enforcement Liens              2,775              8,695              4,000              2,500
ITF – Building Fund          323,748          331,388          408,210          408,210
ITF – Capital Projects Fund                   –          918,868          216,139                   –
ITF – Sanitation Admin Fee          370,000          370,000          470,000          470,000
ITF – Stormwater Admin Fee            60,000            60,000            60,000            60,000
Appropriated Fund Balance                   –          814,735          594,603
Proceeds from Debt                   –          105,000          500,000                   –
School Crossing Guards              2,765            17,982            18,000            18,000
Other Govt Revenues          892,789       1,968,602       2,618,884       1,628,563
TOTAL GOVT REVENUES     19,501,123     21,127,498     20,985,945     23,111,474


Spending by Department:

Expenditures by Department
Department FY 20-21 FY 21-22 FY 22-23 Amended Budget FY 23-24 Proposed Budget
Mayor & City Council         138,126         164,687         185,420         161,842
Office of the City Manager         501,129         444,630         430,662         586,030
Office of the City Clerk         288,863         305,353         349,114         370,153
Office of the City Attorney         238,895         244,131         253,755         253,755
Human Resource Department         265,320         283,504         355,076         344,586
Finance /Budget         763,700         719,957         866,829         891,584
IT Department         357,016         381,487         423,565         420,808
Planning Department           85,406         112,047           93,824         116,112
Police Department      7,317,607      7,858,419      8,485,955      9,469,594
Police – School Guards           13,664           22,150           28,733           33,740
Code Compliance         226,254         227,573         310,376         357,056
Public Services – Administration         444,664         415,358         485,631         544,916
Public Services – Streets         394,038         488,350         378,975         392,421
Public Services – Properties         743,636         732,182         928,291      1,219,711
Public Services – Building Maintenance         741,388         419,816         419,080         458,388
Public Services – Fleet Maintenance           64,349           97,401           40,500           47,500
Recreation      1,461,195      1,697,439      1,928,809      1,882,664
Pool         556,019         618,576         685,990         732,508
Tennis           38,156           35,685           53,399           53,550
Park Maintenance         283,507         310,715         412,601         413,221
Golf Administration           10,981           12,922           13,132             9,355
Golf Pro Shop         774,703         816,377         725,254         901,152
Golf Maintenance      1,222,815      1,286,287      1,438,216      1,714,157
SUB TOTALS    16,931,431    17,695,046    19,293,187    21,374,803
Transfers to other funds      1,299,777      1,596,746      1,476,130      1,736,673
Increase (appropriated) fund balance      1,269,913      1,745,113
TOTALS    19,501,121    21,036,905    20,769,317    23,111,476



Top Expenditures – All Funds
Description FY 22-23 Amended Budget FY 23-24 Proposed Budget % Increase
Salaries   11,212,276   12,243,696 9%
Health Insurance Benefits     1,644,934     1,883,011 14%
Pension Costs        882,713        975,192 10%
Workmens Comp        271,047        292,465 8%
Other Employee Benefits        851,769        934,355 10%
EMPLOYEE SUB TOTALS   14,862,739   16,328,719 10%
Capital Expenditures        658,225        168,100 -74%
Debt Service Payments     1,672,926     1,805,985 8%
Depreciation / Amortization                  –                  –
Operating Supplies / Uniforms     1,233,278     1,396,384 13%
Contractual Services     2,454,779     3,006,310 22%
Waste Disposal                  –                  –
Transfer to other funds                  –                  –
Liability Insurance        636,910     1,049,659 65%
Professional Fees        627,143        626,284 0%
Management Fee Paid by Enterprise Funds        130,251        130,251 0%
Fleet Maintenance        492,599        502,513 2%
Repairs and Maintenance     1,145,535     1,213,933 6%
Other Misc Expenses     2,535,412     5,773,179 128%
SUB TOTALS   11,587,058   15,672,598 35%
TOTAL EXPENDITURES   26,449,797   32,001,317 21%



FY 2023 – 24 Pay Range
Position Minimum Maximum
PRO SHOP CASHIER         24,960         36,866
MAINTENANCE WORKER I         28,829         42,744
PRO SHOP CLERK         28,829         42,744
CLERICAL ASSISTANT         29,600         43,901
REFUSE COLLECTOR         30,344         46,795
MAINTENANCE WORKER II         31,177         50,029
REFUSE TRUCK DRIVER         32,676         52,486
GOLF MAINTENANCE WORKER         32,676         52,486
GYM INSTRUCTOR         32,676         52,486
RECREATION MAINTENANCE WORKER         32,676         52,486
ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT I         34,333         52,951
BUILDING SPECIALIST I         34,333         52,951
MATERIALS MANAGEMENT CLERK         34,333         52,951
POLICE ADMINISTRATIVE SPECIALIST I         34,333         52,951
RECREATION SPECIALIST         34,333         52,951
AQUATIC SPECIALIST         34,333         52,951
HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR         34,333         52,951
SPECIAL EVENTS/PROGRAM SPECIALIST         34,333         52,951
ACCOUNTING SPECIALIST I         35,186         54,276
BUILDING MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN         35,186         54,276
GOLF COURSE SPRAY/APPLICATOR TECM         35,186         54,276
AUTOMATED EQUIPMENT OPERATOR         37,899         62,631
PUBLIC PROPERilES FOREMAN         37,899         62,631
STREETS FOREMAN         37,899         62,631
ACCOUNTING SPECIALIST II         40,810         60,517
ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT II         40,810         60,517
ASSISTANT SENIOR CENTER MANAGER         40,810         60,517
ASSISTANT TO THE CITY CLERK         40,810         60,517
BUILDING MAINTENANCE SPECIALIST         40,810         60,517
BUILDING SPECIALIST II         40,810         60,517
PROCUREMENT SPECIALIST         40,810         60,517
POLICE DISPATCHER-TRAINEE         41,771         62,656
ADMINISrRA TIVE ASSISTANT Ill         42,879         64,449
AQUATIC COORDINATOR         42,879         64,449
BUILDING SPECIALIST Ill         42,879         64,449
GOLF MAINTENANCE MFCHANlC         42,879         64,449
POLICE ADMINISTRATIVE SPECIALIST         42,879         64,449
RECREATION COORDINATOR         42,879         64,449
RECREATION MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR         42,879         64,449
SANITATION FOREMAN         42,879         64,449
GOLF MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR/FOREMAN         43,961         65,954
POLICE DISPATCHER I         43,961         65,954
PRO SHOP/OUTSIDE SERVICES MANAGER         43,961         65,954
ACCOUNTING SPECIALIST Ill         46,159         69,251
ATHLETIC SUPERVISOR         46,159         69,251
HUMAN RESOURCES SPECIALIST II         46,159         69,251
POLICE ADMINISTRATIVE SPECIALIST III         46,159         69,251
POLICE DISPATCHER II         46,159         69,251
CODE COMPLIANCE OFFICER         46,646         69,738
EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO THE CHIEF OF PCLICE         46,646         69,738
AQUATIC SUPERVISOR         47,331         70,183
POLICE COMMUNICATIONS SUPERVISOR         47,331         70,183
DEPUTY CITY CLERK         48,094         70,726
PUBLIC INFO & PROF SERVICES SPECIALIST         48,094         70,726
ASSISTANT IT MANAGER         52,826         78,938
PUBLIC WORKS OPERATIONS MANAGER         52,826         78,938
SPECIAL EVENTS/PROGRAMS SUPERVISOR         52,826         78,938
SENIOR PROCUREMENT OFFICER         56,405         82,229
POLICE NETWORK ADMINISTRATOR         59,102         87,652
POLICE OFFICER· RECRUlT         59,102         87,652
SENIOR CENTER MANAGER         60,786         89,846
ASSISTANT PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR         62,401         92,542
ClTY PLANNER         68,875       102,148
GOLF SUPERINTENDENT         70,599       107,840
CONTROLLER         80,977       117,743
HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR/RISK MANAGER         80,977       117,743
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DIRECTOR         80,977       117,743
CITY CLERK         90,091       120,120
GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB DIRECTOR         90,091       120,120
PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR         90,091       120,120
RECREATION DIRECTOR         90,091       120,120
POLICE CAPTAIN         90,091       120,120
ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER       112,531       156,000
FINANCE DIRECTOR       112,531       156,000
CHIEF OF POLICE       115,599       165,372



Note: There’s another budget workshop meeting coming on Monday, August 21st.



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