Big things have small beginnings – This adage resonates strongly with a group of young inspiring people of our community. These are not your average students; they reminds us that every significant change starts with a small step, starting with their school garden.
The Aviators have been working tirelessly to make their school garden a thriving and sustainable space. They have been replanting and nurturing the garden with fresh herbs and vegetables, which they harvested recently.
It is heartening to see young children taking an active interest in environmental science and sustainability. Their efforts are a source of inspiration and hope, not just for their peers but for all of us. They are showing us that it is possible to create a better future by taking small steps towards sustainability and environmental conservation.
Let us all take a leaf out of the Aviators’ book and work towards creating a more sustainable and greener future. We owe it to ourselves, and more importantly, to future generations.