CBS 4 Miami Covers Miami Springs Missing Jack Russell Terrier, Stewie


Miami Springs family is pulling all the stop to help find their missing 18 year old Jack Russell Terrier, Stewie.  Recently, CBS 4 Miami visited with the family to share their story.

Stewie, went missing on August 4th.  Since then, the owner, Kathryn Nuñez, has received multiple reports of Stewie sightings.  She claims that she’s received consistent descriptions of Stewie with a young male teenager.  According to Nuñez, when the teen has been approached by Springs residents, the teen either gets aggressive, or picks up the dog and flees.

If you have seen Stewie, please contact the family at 305.335.5480.

You can also help the family by stopping by Twice As Sweet (across from Milam’s Markets) and ordering a special edition Stewie cupcate for $1.50.  The money is being used to help the family find Stewie and to provide a reward to the person who finds Stewie.

Twice As Sweet Helping Family To Find Lost Dog




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