The Florida Department of Education selected Miami Springs Senior High as having the most “Outstanding FFEA Chapter” during the 2nd quarter of the year. FFEA stands for Florida Future Educators of America. Here’s the announcement from the Department of Education:
Good Morning FFEA Advisors,
Every quarter the Florida Department of Education awards an FFEA chapter with the coveted title of Outstanding FFEA Chapter. These chapters demonstrate exceptional service in education through community service, fundraising, and recruitment. I am excited to announce our Period 2 Outstanding Chapter award winner is…DRUMROLL…
Congratulations! The Miami Springs Senior High School FFEA Chapter has embraced their school and community through a plethora of projects, recruitment initiatives, partnerships, and school-wide activities. Miami Springs High School was selected to pilot a new recruitment initiative, chapter members participated in regional future educator conferences and are serving the community through a variety of service projects. Students promoted and initiated a school-wide rally for Breast Cancer Awareness month, created posters and wrote letters to their local veterans for Veterans Day, hosted a Trunk-or-Treat in their school parking lot, and participated in multiple toy drives throughout November and December.
Congratulations to Miami Springs FFEA
Congratulations to the hard working trio of Hawks (Evely, Marcela, & Nicole) for winning the Florida Department of Education’s Florida Future Educators of America Outstanding Chapter Award.

Congratulations to Connor Karlick and Team
Connor Carlick, Ethan Alvarez, and Ajay Pacheco placed 4th in the statewide competition for Lesson Planning. Congratulations to Connor and the entire team of future Florida educators.