As you can see in the latest chart from the State of Florida, the number of new cases has flattened. This is great news as it shows the social distancing, hand washing, and mask wearing is working.
In the State of Florida, there are now over 17,500 confirmed cases of the Coronavirus. Hospitalizations are at 2,360 within the state or 13.5% of the confirmed cases. Fatalities in the state are at 2.2% for a total of 390 souls lost to the Coronavirus.
In Miami-Dade County, there are now over 6,000 cases. 464 are hospitalized or 7.6% of the confirmed cases. There have been 74 COVID-19 related deaths in Miami-Dade County or 1.2% of the people who are confirmed to have the virus.
Locally, there are now 42 cases in our zip code.