1/21/2015 0:00:00

Objections to Pool Project

EDITORIAL by Nestor Suarez

As you know, I`ve been a vocal opponent to the direction of the new pool project. In a nutshell, I`m concerned this city is spending too much to get too little.

Why do I care about the pool?

I grew up in the pool. I competed for the Miami Springs Senior High Swim Team from 1989 – 1992. I trained with the Water Polo Team. From 2008 – 2013, I trained at the Miami Springs pool to compete in 7 triathlons. My three kids have learned how to swim at the pool and take swimming classes every summer.

While I care about the history of Miami Springs swimming, it`s more important that we protect competitive swimming for future generations. Our children and grandchildren will be the ones who benefit most by having the proper Miami Springs Aquatic facility.

What don`t I like about the new pool?

The Pool is Too Small

If the City is spending $5 million, you would expect to get a pool that supports competitive swimming. A competitive pool need only be 25 meters by 25 yards to support 8 lanes. Roughly half the size of our current 50 meter pool.

However, the new design only has 4-6 lanes for swimming. That simply cannot support competitive swim meets with less than 8 lanes.

Too Much Spending In Wrong Areas

The City can build a 25 yard by 25 meter pool for less than $5 million dollars and have plenty of room to spare. But the City continues to push for an extra multi-use building, some call the “Party Room.”

According to West Construction, the cost to build the Multi-Purpose building jumped to $851,286 and represents 23% of the overall base cost. According to Lunacon, the Multi-Purpose Building represents 27% of the base cost at $1,006,757.83. Both numbers are greater than the $600,000 figure originally estimated by Bermello.


If we simply eliminate this one unnecessary building, we could cut up to $1 million from this project.

Let me put it another way, if it wasn`t mixed up in this pool project, would you vote to spend up to $1 million for a standalone Mutli-Use Rec / Party Room? Don`t we already have a rec center building? Don`t we already have a country club?

Is the $1 million dollar Multi-Use Room more important than our Competitive Swimming and Water Polo Teams?

Take Action

The next meeting is on Wednesday, January 21st at 7pm at City Hall. If you care about the new pool and how the City will spend your hard earned tax dollars, I encourage you to attend this Council Meeting.


Nestor Suarez
Publisher / Owner




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