The Miami Springs/Virginia Gardens Blitz Girls 2005 Soccer Team are playing in the prestigious US Youth Soccer Regional Tournament in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, from June 23rd to June 28th, 2023. The young ladies earned their spot after winning the Florida Youth Soccer Association State Cup U18 Girls Division!
They were recently honored by the Village of Virginia Gardens who graciously donated the team $1,000 to assist the girls on their national trip. Of course, traveling isn’t cheap and the girls can use all the help as they compete on the national stage.
MSVG Soccer Club U18 Girls 2005 Blitz Team Honored by Village of Virginia Gardens
Here’s a message from the team:
We are the Miami Springs/Virginia Gardens Blitz Girls 2005 soccer team. I am thrilled to inform you that our team recently won the Florida Youth Soccer Association- State Cup U18 Girls Division. Our performance has earned us the opportunity to represent the state of Florida at the prestigious US Youth Soccer Regional Tournament, which will take place in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, from June 22nd to June 28th, 2023.While we are honored to participate in this esteemed event, the financial requirements associated with such a journey are significant. As a team, we have been diligently raising funds through various channels, but we are still in need of additional support to cover our travel expenses, accommodations, and other related costs. It is in this regard that we humbly request your assistance.Any amount of donation you can contribute to our trip would be immensely appreciated. We genuinely value any support you can provide, no matter the size. Your generous contribution will directly impact the lives of our young athletes.

These girls have shown incredible dedication and talent throughout their soccer journey. By supporting our team, you will not only help them achieve their dreams but also contribute to the growth of women’s soccer in our community.
Visit their GoFundMe Page to contribute to the MSVG Blitz 2005 Trip to USYS Southern Regionals and learn more.

Help us cheer on these remarkable young athletes as they represent Florida at the US Youth Soccer Regional Tournament. First game is Friday at 9am against The Mighty Bluebird from Arkansas.