FDA Clears Vaccine for COVID-19


The Federal Drug Administration (FDA) has announced the approval of the First COVID-19 Vaccine.  The Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) was approved to allow the public access to the new vaccine.

According to Governor Ron DeSantis, Florida will receive nearly 180,000 doses of the Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine.  The State of Florida will prioritize the most vulnerable residents and health care personnel at high exposure risk.

This is the great news we’ve been waiting for.  The inoculation process will take time.  But we’re able to head into Christmas with a new hope that 2021 will be the year we put COVID-19 behind us.


The number of new cases within our zip code dropped last week, but remains high with 154 new cases in the last 7 days.  In Miami Springs, we estimate we’ve had 1,587 cases of the Coronavirus or roughly 11% of the Miami Springs population.  That translates into 1 in 10 Miami Springs residents.  We also estimate Miami Springs had 85 new cases of the Coronavirus over the last 7 days.


The number of new cases in Miami-Dade dropped last week to 9,574.  That’s obviously high, but well below the peak we saw the prior week of 17,418 new cases.

New COVID-19 Miami-Dade Hospitalizations dropped over the last 7 days.  According to the Florida Department of Health, we only had 63 new COVID hospitalizations in Miami-Dade County.  That’s the lowest number of new hospitalizations.  This is fantastic news and probably indicates that younger people who are less likely to need hospitalizations are the ones who are testing positive.

New COVID-19 fatalities in Miami-Dade County also dropped last week to 52 fatalities compared to 90 deaths the prior week.  Just one death is one death too many, but clearly we’re all happy to see the number of deaths continue to decrease.


The number of new cases of COVID-19 cases in the State of Florida dropped from nearly 73,000 2 weeks ago to nearly 59,000 last week.  It’s still a very high number, but we’re hoping we continue on a downward trend.

Florida fatalities did drop last week from 746 two weeks ago to 626 deaths last week.  Again, that’s a lot of people, but we hope the trend continues to go down this week.

As we stated above, the first vaccine has been approved and will begin distribution.  it will take some time.  In fact, most reports indicate we won’t have massive inoculation completed until late Spring or possibly summer.  It’s incredibly important that we all continue to:

  • Wash your hands
  • Practice Social Distancing
  • Wear a mask
  • Protect the elderly and those with compromised immune systems

We will get through this and COVID-19 will become history.  God bless you all and stay safe.


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