The annual Miami Springs River Festival has been shortened from three days to two days this year.  This year’s Festival is scheduled for Friday, April 11th and Saturday, April 12th.  The schedule takes advantage of the two biggest nights and the biggest money makers, Friday night and Saturday night.

River Cities Festival

The Festival is not run by the City of Miami Springs, but is organized by volunteers and other interested parties who give their time to make the Festival possible.  Over the decades, the volunteers, participants, and directors have changed, but the Festival has continued.

2011 River Cities Festival in Miami Springs courtesy
2011 River Cities Festival in Miami Springs courtesy

Sunday was always a little slower than the busy Friday night and Saturday night, but it was still well attended including the annual Chili Cook Off.  Obviously, a lot goes into the planning of the Festival, the events, the entertainment, vendors, and so forth.  It’s not an easy decision to go from a three day festival to a 2 day festival.

Chili Cook Off at River Cities Festival
Chili Cook Off at River Cities Festival

By decreasing the festival to 2 days, it does lower the cost for man power necessary to run the Festival.  That includes Public Works, Police, janitorial services, etc.

More importantly, if you’re going to the Festival this year, don’t wait till Sunday.  You gotta come out Friday and Saturday or you’ll miss it.

2011 River Cities Festival in Miami Springs courtesy
2011 River Cities Festival in Miami Springs courtesy

The Festival is scheduled this year for Friday, April 11th from 5pm – midnight and Saturday, April 12th from noon – midnight.


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