We are blessed to come together again this year, to celebrate our 57″ Annual Parish Festival! We are thankful to God, our sponsors, and all who make the continuation of this event possible. Being a part of this long-standing tradition in both Virginia Gardens and Miami Springs is a wonderful part of our legacy.
Our theme this year, Celebrating our Legacy…A carousel of faith, family, and fun, rejoices in the fact that our parish has celebrated its 70″ anniversary. Our theme invites us to continue growing in our relationship with Christ, through faith, family, and fun. Our annual festival at Blessed Trinity Catholic Church provides us with the opportunity to renew our encounter with Christ and with one another. It permits us to celebrate the gifts that each of us bring individually and as a whole to our community.
Today, we are asking for your support as a community dedicated to our growing legacy to include your business and join as one with our tradition and celebration. February 15″ through the 18″, we will be Celebrating our Legacy…A carousel of faith, family, and fun. Please contact Jenny de la Cruz at Jenny@blessed-trinity.org or call the Parish office at 305-871-5780. We look forward to seeing you at our 57″ Annual festival Celebrating our Legacy…a carousel of faith, family, and fun! In His joy and love,