Earlier this month, four of Miami Springs’ men’s baseball stars participated in the National Signing Day 2021 event at the High School Gym. The event featured the following Miami Springs Golden Hawks baseball players: Abdriel Delgado, Jason Torres, Jesus Peña, and Saul Arauz.

- Abdriel Delgado committed to: Jacksonville University
- Jason Torres committed to national powerhouse, the University of Miami
- Jesus Peña committed to: Chipola College
- Saul Arauz committed to: ASA College

Congratulations to the four recruits and the Miami Springs Senior High Baseball program. We wish you well as you move onto the next stage of your baseball and educational career.
Remember, “Once a Hawk…Always a Hawk!”
Today was a big day for @hawksbaseball751 with National Signing Day 2021!! Congrats Abdriel Delgado @JacksonvilleU
Jason Torres @univmiami
Jesus Peña @ChipolaCollege
Saul Arauz @asacollege #iammiamisprings pic.twitter.com/mkZ4wz2BNY— Miami Springs Senior High (@mssh_hawks) November 10, 2021