The City of Miami Springs is reporting that it has picked up 14,169 cubic yards of debris from swales and alleys last week. As you can see in the attached map provided by the city, the Contractor has divided the city into four sections and has crews in each clearing areas.
“The initial process is time consuming due to documentation requirements from FEMA, now that this is out of the way crews can move quickly to collect all debris. Please also keep in mind that since we are staging all debris outside the city, the travel time of the trucks also slows down the process. The Contractor has estimated that the amount of debris to be collected is significant and will take another few weeks to get the City completely cleared.”
Here are the areas that have been cleared so far:
East end of town: Lejuene Road to Curtiss Parkway and SRP to NW 36th Street with the exception of a large pile at the park and Minola Drive to South Drive and Oakwood to Lake Drive Alley’s have been all cleared;
West end of town: Crane to Dove Ave heading East to West
The following areas are being picked up at this time: Dove Avenue to S. Melrose heading East to West
The City is asking residents to help by not mixing regular vegetative debris with household and construction debris which also includes trash bags. Residents should make two piles separating these items.