Interview with Councilwoman Jacky Bravo


Miami Springs Councilwoman Jacky Bravo joined us at the Community Newspapers Studios in South Miami to talk about her campaign for re-election to the Miami Springs City Council.  We discussed her business experience, her first tenure as Councilwoman, some of the challenges facing the City Council and what lies ahead for the future council.  Watch the full interview below.

Jacky Bravo is the current Councilwoman for Seat II.  This is her first re-election campaign.

We want to thank Councilwoman Bravo for meeting with us and communicating her message to the residents of Miami Springs.  You can read our archive of stories that have featured or included Jacky Bravo on

Voting by Mail

You can vote by mail, but you must register to get an absentee ballot.

Early In Person Voting

Early voting will be held at Miami Springs City Hall on Friday, March 31st and Saturday, April 1st from 8am – 4pm.

Miami Springs Election Instructions

Election Day

You can vote in person on Election Day on Tuesday, April 4th from 7am – 7pm.


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