Miami Springs resident Yvette Buñuel shared this awesome picture that truly encapsulates what it means to be a community police officer in Miami Springs. As you can see this Miami Springs motorman is on his knees, getting his hands dirty, helping a motorist with a flat tire.

“Just drove past Curtiss Parkway and watched one of our finest helping out someone with a flat tire. It’s heartwarming to know we have police officers that not only risk their lives to serve and protect us but also [provide] help to those in our community going up and beyond what is required! We are so grateful to them and their families.
God Bless and Protect them,
Yvette Buñuel
Miami Springs Resident”
We’d like to thank Yvette Buñuel for sharing this photo with the community. And we also want to thank the men and women of the Miami Springs Police Department, who not only put their lives on their line every day, but go above and beyond to help our beautiful community.
God bless you all and stay safe.