As you can see in the chart below, we’re on the downward slide of the 3rd big wave of COVID-19. More importantly, this 3rd wave is the first post vaccine wave caused primarily by the Delta Variant of COVID. What’s interesting is that Miami-Dade peaked at similar levels in the last 3 waves (including the Delta wave) at just over 20,000 weekly new cases.

The State of Florida is also on the downward slide of the 3rd COVID wave. However, Florida saw a much bigger 3rd wave compared to the prior 2 wave across the State.

Why was Florida’s 3rd wave so much larger compared to the first two waves? We believe there are three key factors. One, the Delta variant has been more virulent than the original COVID-19 so it spread far faster. Second, the vaccination rate in Miami-Dade was far greater than the vaccination rate in the rest of the State. Third, Miami-Dade already had a larger portion of the population that already had COVID thus there was more immunity in Miami-Dade than the rest of the State. Bottom line: Delta has spread more effectively among those who were unvaccinated and have not had COVID which is why the statewide number went so high. The good news is that the statewide number and the county numbers continue to drop.
As you can see in the chart below, the number of COVID fatalities tends to peak a few weeks after the peak of new cases. We had 2,468 reported fatalities statewide last week. We are still at record highs, but we appear to be at the peak of COVID fatalities for this 3rd wave. We hope to see a drop in deaths soon.

According to the State of Florida Health Department, over 23% of all new COVID cases were among children under 16 with 17,490 new cases. The good news is that children are the most likely to survive COVID-19 with a 99.9959% survival rate since the start of the pandemic.

- UNDER 16: 99.9959%
- 16 – 29: 99.9572%
- 30 – 39: 99.8663%
- 40 – 49: 99.6107%
- 50 – 59: 99.0353%
- 60 – 64: 97.8832%
- 65 + : 91.2066%
Folks, if you have not been vaccinated and have not already been infected with COVID-19, it’s a smart idea to get vaccinated to build immunity against COVID. This is especially true the older you are.
Folks, nearly 3.5 million people have contracted COVID-19 in the State of Florida since the start of the pandemic. We know that most people will survive. However, seniors struggle most with COVID. For those who are younger, Diabetes, Obesity, Respiratory Illness, Circulatory Disease, and Cancer, have all been proven as significant risks.
Now, more than ever, we all need to focus on healthy living. Eating a healthy diet, exercising, taking your vitamins, and getting the vaccine will contribute to overall healthy living.
We believe it’s a free country. We don’t believe anyone should be FORCED to be vaccinated unless you work in a hospital setting and/or work with seniors. We chose the vaccine for our family because it made sense for us. We wanted to protect ourselves from catching COVID and passing it along to older members of our family. Furthermore, we felt the unknown long term risks of the vaccine were less than the unknown risks of actually catching COVID. The vaccine is not risk-free. But we felt the risk of the vaccine was a better scenario than the risk of COVID.
But for some people, the vaccine may not be necessary. For example, if you are one of the 3.5 million Floridians that already had COVID-19, guess what, you are going to have a stronger immunity to the virus than those of who only have the vaccine. Some people who are young and at low risk of a COVID fatality may take a calculated risk of catching COVID over the unknown long term effects of the vaccine.
Now to be clear, we are recommending that everyone that can get vaccinated to get vaccinated. My wife and I have been vaccinated as well as our two teen-aged children. The vaccine has been proven safe for the majority of people. If you have concerns over the vaccine, we recommend that you speak with your primary physician to discuss your personal health plan. There have been reports of extremely rare blood clotting with the J&J vaccine with some women. We also know that some young men have had inflammation of the heart associated with the Pfizer vaccine. There is also research being down over the affect the vaccine has has with the regularity of women’s menstrual cycles. Again, all of these are extreme and rare situations. But, it’s important to share all information so that people can make the right decision for their own health.
We are not medical doctors. Nor are we giving medical advice. For the best medical advice, talk to your physician.