Back in June we shared different designs and mockups of the new Miami Springs sign provided for free by the Miami Realtors. Folks had different opinions. Some preferred the full width sign. Some liked the stacked sign. And others didn’t like the sign at all. We had also shown the various locations the City of Miami Springs was considering using. Below are some of the mockups we had included at various locations:

Miami Springs Circle

Entrance to Miami Springs (Stacked Sign)

Entrance to Miami Springs (Wide Sign)

Miami Springs Circle

Near crosswalk (stacked sign)

Near crosswalk (wide sign)

Curtiss Parkway Median Near Circle

Near crosswalk (wide sign)

Near crosswalk (stacked sign):

Curtiss Parkway Near Golf Course

Stacked Sign:

Wide Sign:


Canal Street / Okeechobee Road


Miami Springs Canal Wide Sign


Miami Springs Canal Stacked Sign

Well this week the City of Miami Springs placed the new sign along the Curtiss Parkway median just south of the Miami Springs Golf and Country Club parking lot.

Miami Springs sign near Golf Course Parking

As you can see, the city opted for the stacked sign with the small MIAMI and large SPRINGS.

Miami Springs sign near Golf Course ParkingThe word Miami is difficult to see from a distance, especially while driving, but the word Springs is very visible from a distance.

Miami Springs sign near Golf Course ParkingWe stopped by to take some pics this morning of the new sign.

Miami Springs sign near Golf Course Parking

it’s difficult to shoot without getting the power lines in the background.

Miami Springs sign near Golf Course Parking

We also tried to avoid shooting it with the cars directly behind it in the parking lot.

Miami Springs sign near Golf Course Parking

Miami Springs sign near Golf Course Parking

Our favorite angle was shooting the sign at an angle facing east to show off the beautiful Miami Springs Golf Course.

Miami Springs sign near Golf Course Parking

Miami Springs sign near Golf Course Parking

Miami Springs sign near Golf Course Parking Miami Springs sign near Golf Course Parking Miami Springs sign near Golf Course Parking Miami Springs sign near Golf Course Parking Miami Springs sign near Golf Course Parking Miami Springs sign near Golf Course ParkingMiami Springs sign near Golf Course Parking

Miami Springs sign near Golf Course Parking

Shooting it east to west doesn’t share the same beauty in the background…and again more cars in the parking lot.

Miami Springs sign near Golf Course Parking Miami Springs sign near Golf Course Parking

Shooting the sign directly highlights the beautiful palms, but the cars in the background and the power lines take away from the photo.

Miami Springs sign near Golf Course Parking Miami Springs sign near Golf Course Parking Miami Springs sign near Golf Course Parking Miami Springs sign near Golf Course Parking

The shot below we tried to get it directly with a wide angle lens and used the sign to hide as many cars possible, but sure enough a car snuck into the picture.  Arrrrggg!
Miami Springs sign near Golf Course Parking

Miami Springs sign near Golf Course Parking

Miami Springs sign near Golf Course Parking

So, what do you guys think?  Do you like the smaller sign with the stacked MIAMI above it?  Do you like where the sign was placed?

We’re happy to have the sign.  We think some foliage behind the sign will make it more photogenic and block off the parking lot.  Some uplighting will also make it interesting to view and photograph at night.

As for the power lines…we hope they all eventually go underground.  Until then, there’s nothing you can do about it.


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