In 2015 we warned you that the new Miami Springs pool was going to be much smaller than the grand olympic sized pool we had for over 50 years. We also informed you that much of the money was going into creating more buildings. In other words, more building space. Less pool space. Now you can see the construction of the new pool with your own eyes. Total construction cost: $5 MILLION.
Woohoo! I was so excited to see the rumored Royal Poinciana Trees now being installed along South Royal Poinciana Boulevard in Miami Springs. They look amazing. There’s an abundant number of Royal Poinciana Trees installed relatively closely. In a few years, these beautiful native trees will grow to provide a new dense canopy over the eponymously named road.
If properly cared for, these trees will provide a beautiful canopy for generations to come.
The Royal Poinciana Tree
The Royal Poinciana tree, scientifically known as Delonix regia, is an exquisite and iconic flowering tree native to the island of Madagascar. Revered for its striking beauty and vibrant display of fiery red-orange blossoms, the Royal Poinciana has a fascinating history that spans continents and cultures.
The journey of the Royal Poinciana tree began in Madagascar, where it was first discovered by European explorers and botanists in the 19th century. Its stunning appearance and captivating blooms immediately captured the attention of plant enthusiasts and collectors, who recognized its potential as an ornamental tree of extraordinary beauty.
In the early 19th century, the French explorer and botanist Louis Antoine de Bougainville encountered the tree during his travels to Madagascar. The captivating sight of the Royal Poinciana’s radiant blossoms inspired him to name it after the French nobleman and politician, Philippe de Poinci, who held the position of Governor of the French colony of Saint-Domingue (now Haiti) at the time.
The Royal Poinciana tree’s fame spread rapidly across Europe and beyond. Its seeds and saplings were collected and distributed by botanical gardens and horticulturists worldwide, leading to its introduction in various tropical and subtropical regions, particularly in Asia, the Caribbean, Central America, and South America.
One of the most notable introductions of the Royal Poinciana tree was in the late 19th century when it found its way to Florida, United States. The state’s subtropical climate provided an ideal environment for the tree to thrive, and it quickly established itself as a beloved and prominent part of Florida’s landscape. Today, Florida is renowned for its Royal Poinciana trees, especially in cities like Miami and Palm Beach, where they line the streets and grace parks and gardens with their stunning presence.
The Royal Poinciana tree’s adaptability and beauty have made it a favorite among landscapers and garden enthusiasts in many tropical and subtropical regions around the world. Its fern-like foliage, large, spreading crown, and the vivid color of its flowers make it an eye-catching addition to any landscape. In addition to its aesthetic appeal, the tree also serves practical purposes, providing shade and shelter for both humans and wildlife.
Over time, the Royal Poinciana tree has earned several common names in various cultures. In some regions, it is known as the Flamboyant tree, reflecting its flamboyant display of vibrant flowers. In Spanish-speaking countries, it is often called “Flamboyán” or “Árbol de Fuego,” both meaning “tree of fire,” in reference to its fiery blossoms.
The Royal Poinciana tree’s remarkable journey from the island of Madagascar to becoming a symbol of beauty and tropical elegance in various corners of the world is a testament to the power of nature’s allure and humanity’s appreciation for its wonders. With its timeless beauty and captivating presence, the Royal Poinciana tree continues to be celebrated and cherished, enchanting all who are fortunate enough to witness its magnificent display of colors.
To be crystal clear, we love that this project will provide the community with long term beautification. We especially love the addition of Royal Poinciana Trees along South Royal Poinciana Boulevard. We believe this will provide South Royal Poinciana Boulevard an incredible tree canopy that will grow denser over the years. It will also provide shade along the roadway helping to encourage a cooler microclimate. Furthermore, the trees will provide a new habitat for birds to use.
Furthermore, we like that the single lanes in each direction will help to discourage speeders that were often doing 40 mph or more along the 4 lane stretch of roadway. Plus, the median should reduce accidents.
Project Problems
Our biggest concern with this project has been the lack of a roundabout or traffic circle that would provide a safe way for the residents living in the apartments to get home when heading east on South Royal Poinciana Boulevard. Where once residents could just make a left turn, that option has now been blocked for most.
Resident Feedback
Miami Springs residents shared their feedback on social media. Here are a few of the comments shared on Instagram and Facebook:
Yo vivo aquí en miami springs y no estoy de acuerdo este invento si tantas ganas tenían de sembrar algo hubiesen sembrado olmos Elm gracias
Not to mention Forrest always floods with the first rain, so now not only it’s the only street that has an opening and it doesn’t lead to 36st it will be flooded.
I think this a other stupid design just like the circle design less lanes more traffic 👎🏻
So the traffic will turn into Forrest that has no access directly to be 36 st! Speeding down Forrest is already an issue . Whom ever planned out this must not live on Forrest or the surrounding streets . Waste of $ to what put up palm trees? Get with FPL first & figure out how to put the lines underground do East MS is not always the first to loose power & the last to get restored! 😤🤬🤯
At 4:30 this morning I saw a vehicle exit one of the apartment parking lots and head east in the westbound lane until he got to the open intersection and then crossed over. This is so poorly planned…a nightmare of road raging people to come with no way out. And no canopy. This is another sin funded by taxpayer dollars. SMH
Bill garbage planning just to remove it and spend our tax dollars on essentially nothing while   boondoggling what needs to be done and scraping money off the top.  Sounds like every property management company in Doral. Slimed its way over to Miami Springs. Wonder why…
That area has needed beautification desperately for decades and nothing is more gorgeous regal or classy than Royal Palms. Bravo!!!
Start fixing the flooding issues on Forrest
I really try and stay out of this, but I saw the article so I took a drive down there. I would really like to know who designed this person should hold a public meeting and show the residents how this is supposed to be functional, the folks that live on the north side of Royal Poiciana in the buildings have no way of going east. The folks that live on the south side have no way to go west now they have no U-turn signs and a no right turn to pollo tropical if you considered the traffic on east drive to be horrific and on Lejeune, let’s see what happens now again I would call for the person who designed this and the members who authorize this to hold a meeting and please show us the residents how this is supposed to help the community just like the circle another cluster and yes this is directed to the city of Miami Springs. I would really hope that somebody representing the city comes on here and give some kind of explanation. Also, those royal palms are overpowering for the size of the median who is going to maintain this area while the city staff is overrun with work as is 
FIX THE FLOODING FIRST. Then worry about other crap.
Sucks for those who live in that area that have no choice but to make a right when they have to go left. Hopefully, a palm frond doesn’t fall on anyone going by on anything other than a vehicle.
Doesn’t make a lot of sense how they planned it. Once again the lack of functionality rears its head.
As the article said : “The City Council needs to rely on the paid professionals to come up with good plans that consider the needs of all residents (especially those directly impacted by this project).”
I live in this apartments and I am having a hard time every single day getting my house because this great idea.
I live at the south end of Royal Poinciana, and have to make a U-turn or turn into Coolidge Dr from 36th St, to access my driveway. Also, had a driver turn right at MRU so as not to waste time going the right way (yes, he HAD to back up…). Looks great on paper, but squeezing road traffic, bike lane, sidewalk, and a strip of green looks like recipe for disaster. Curtiss Parkway in miniature in is not.
As we reported back in May, the new median changes the way people get home to their apartments. Specifically when driving eastbound along South Royal Poinciana Boulevard. For most residents, making a left is no longer an option. And driving against traffic is obviously illegal and dangerous (although that hasn’t stopped some from trying it).
So, the correct thing to do is to make a U-Turn. And if you’ve driven by the area regularly, I’m sure you’ve seen cars making U-Turns at the various openings in order to get home.
Unfortunately, the plans call to ban those U-Turns. The plans posted by the City of Miami Springs call for a “No U-Turn” sign to be installed before each intersection facing eastbound traffic. In other words, the current plans don’t provide a legal way for eastbound drivers to make a U-Turn.
Don’t take my word for it. Look at the plans below for yourself. You’ll notice item #2 shown below pointing to the median. Item #2 represents the “NO U-TURN” sign. So while there is a gap, its purpose is only to allow left turns for westbound traffic (moving from right to left). The eastbound traffic (moving from left to right) will not be allowed to make a U-Turn at this intersection according to the city’s plans.
No U-Turn at Sheridan
And just in case you’re thinking, “Oh, that NO U-TURN sign is for the traffic heading westbound,” I’ll ask you to look at the diagram above and the diagram below. You’ll notice that it depicts the flat NO U-TURN sign and it also depicts the pole that holds up the sign. The plan clearly shows the pole on the right hand side. The actual NO U-TURN sign is facing the left or the eastbound traffic lanes.
Now, I’ve heard it said that maybe those “NO U-TURN” signs will be removed. We won’t object to this as that’s what residents are doing now to get home. But nevertheless, that’s short sighted. That’s just an admission that no consideration was made for those living in the apartments. That’s an admission that no consideration was made to provide a safe turnaround to get home.
I’m sure there’s plenty of room to make a U-Turn if you’re driving a small to midsize vehicle. But at last check, Americans still have a love affair with pickup trucks and SUVs. In fact, the top three selling vehicles in America are all full size pickup trucks. Some of those vehicles may actually be too big to make a U-Turn and instead need to make a 3 point turn. Again, things that happen when consideration wasn’t made for a safe passage home. (NOTE: We tested making a U-Turn in an F-150 Supercrew with a 6.5′ Bed and there’s no way it can make a U-Turn without going off-road. This reinforces the need for a Circle or Turnaround to provide a safe way to turn a vehicle around.)
As I said before, you can view this as an oversight, or designed obsolescence ensuring another fat contract for the engineers in the future.
Missed Opportunity
Let me be clear, our Mayor and City Council are not traffic engineers. Nor should we expect them to be traffic engineers. The City Council needs to rely on the paid professionals to come up with good plans that consider the needs of all residents (especially those directly impacted by this project).
However, the City of Miami Springs has paid hundreds of thousands of dollars over the years to our engineering firm, Bermello Ajamil and Partners. You’d think the huge firm out of Coral Gables would have come up with a solution for the residents who live in the apartments. Did you see any solution? I sure didn’t.
It’s disappointing because the answer seems so obvious. Add a Traffic Circle at South Royal Poinciana Boulevard and Coolidge. This is a unique area that has extra real estate and three roads converging. This intersection would definitely benefit from a traffic circle.
Traffic Circle Concept – Not an actual plan. For illustrative purposes only.
Here are the key benefits of adding a traffic circle at this location:
Allow residents living in the apartments a safe place to turnaround and get home
Slow down traffic on on South Royal Poinciana Boulevard
Enhance safety
Simplify entry / exit into the intersection
Add a green centerpiece to the east side of Miami Springs
Add a Gateway Entrance into the city with a “Welcome to Miami Springs” sign
Instead of a traffic circle, we got a cut and paste, cookie cutter design from Bermello, Ajamil, and Partners that lacks any consideration for the residents who live in the apartments.
Folks, I don’t know about you, but I hate seeing our tax dollars wasted on multi-million dollar projects that don’t get the job done.
Again, we have supported the project of changing South Royal Poinciana Boulevard from a four lane road to a two lane road. That’s good. We love the idea of adding a tree canopy along the median. That’s wonderful. The trees they’ve planted so far look great.
But where the heck is the consideration to the residents that need to get home into their apartment? How do they get home from Milam’s Market?
I don’t blame the Council for this. They aren’t traffic engineers. And for the record, neither are we. But the people who designed this clearly left out any concern for residents who live in the apartments along South Royal Poinciana Boulevard. It doesn’t take a genius to understand the residents in these apartments are facing a problem.
In our opinion, this project won’t satisfy the needs of the residents who live along the South Royal Poinciana Boulevard apartments until a proper roundabout or traffic circle is installed.
If Bermello, Ajamil, and Partners is as good as everyone says they are, then why didn’t they bring this up or offer a solution? Furthermore, if their reputation is worth more to them than the fat contracts they get from the city of Miami Springs, maybe they should pay for their oversight and fund a traffic circle on their own dime.
Don’t hold your breath waiting for that to happen.
What do you think?
Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below or via social media.