Happy Summer!!!!!
I hope you are all enjoying this well deserved break! Springview Elementary ROCKED it out (best scores in the city) and I am incredibly proud to be a Falcon! 💚💛

I wanted to take a moment to give some updates about our wonderful music program… it’s about to get even more fabulous!!!!

Towards the end of the year, I was able to receive a few grants which are supplying our program with new curriculums and best of all… INSTRUMENTS!!!!! I am so excited to share this information with you! The music room is getting some updates and I am loving it!

We received a super cool grant from a company that developed a Musical video game called “Keys and Kingdoms”. The game is super fun and teaches real music and keyboard skills while playing an actual video game! We received four iPads and five keyboard boxes to use in the music classroom. The music room will have a tech center where students will be able to play a fun game and learn wonderful music skills!

We are also beginning a partnership with a program called Little Kids Rock. This is an organization that is helping bring popular music styles into the classroom, and it’s a great curriculum. They are awarding us 10 three-quarter size guitars which will hopefully arrive around the beginning of the school year.

Last, but certainly not least, we are also beginning a partnership with an extremely well rounded curriculum called “Music and the Brain”. This is the largest of the three grants. Not only will we have access to the wonderful MATB curriculum, but we will also have our very own keyboard lab in the Music Room! We have received 16 keyboards, keyboard stands, music stands, headphones, power strips… everything we need to bring this excellent resource to life.

I cannot wait to setup the classroom with all our new items… it’s going to be a GREAT school year!!!!
Thank you!!!! And I hope to see your smiling faces soon!
Mrs. Ruiz
Springview Elementary
Music Teacher
Join the Falcon Family at Springview Elementary located at 1122 Bluebird Avenue in the beautiful Bird Section of Miami Springs. Call 305.885.6466 or email pr5361@dadeschools.net.