We want to thank everyone who is staying home, practicing social distancing, wearing masks, washing your hands, and following the advice from national, state, and local leadership. This virus is extremely deadly for the elderly and for people with pre-existing conditions. However, with the help of the community, we have been saving lives and reducing the spread of this deadly virus.
The State of Florida now has 15,698 confirmed cases. Over 2,000 are hospitalized statewide or a 13.3% hospitalization rate. There are 323 COVID-19 deaths within the state for a death rate of 2.1%.
Miami-Dade County has more than a third of Florida’s cases with 5,461 confirmed cases. However, hospitalizations in Miami-Dade are only at 7.1% with fatalities at under 1%. So far, Miami-Dade has only had 50 fatalities. (That’s 50 too many, but way better than areas like New Orleans, New Jersey, or New York.)
As we reported earlier today, the number of new cases in the State of Florida have plateaued since April 2nd. We pray the sacrifice everyone is making will help beat back the Coronavirus and reduce the number of new cases within the State of Florida.