According to the City of Miami Springs the following 4 Miami Springs residents “fully qualified for Group III for the August 18, 2020 Special Election.” Here are the candidates in last name alphabetical order:
- Walter Fajet
- Jasmine Gomez
- Fred Gonzalez
- Sandra Ruiz
Last week, George Lob was voted unanimously to take over Seat III. That was required as Seat III was vacated by Mara Zapata when she resigned early to run for Miami-Dade County School Board.
Councilman Jaime Petralanda is also running for Miami-Dade County School Board, but he expressed to us in a recent interview that he wanted to stay on the Council until after the next budget was completed.
The election is set for this summer on August 18th. We thank all the candidates for their commitment to our beautiful city.