Long time Miami Springs resident, Poinciana United Methodist Church charter member, and former City of Miami Springs employee, Margaret Watson, passed away on Sunday, August 11 at the age of 90.
Poinciana United Methodist Church posted the following message:
“Our beloved sister in Christ, Margaret Watson, entered into eternal rest yesterday, Sunday, August 11, at the age of 90. A charter member of Poinciana, Margaret served in many areas; most recently as a vibrant part of the Worship ministry. She enjoyed sharing her beautiful voice in the choir, and came each week to fold the bulletins for Sunday worship. Margaret was also a greeter, welcoming worshipers and making sure they received one of her bulletins. We are thankful to God for her life and time with us, and we are grateful for the promise of resurrection to her and all of the faithful who die in the Lord.
Please pray for Margaret’s daughter, Ruth McNaughton, and the rest of her family as they prepare to celebrate her life. Once the family finalizes plans for memorial tributes, we will share them with you.
May God’s peace and power be with you today and always!”