The City of Miami Springs City Council set the proposed 2019 – 2020 fiscal year millage rate tax cap at 7.50. The following council members voted for the proposed 7.50 tax rate cap:
- Bob Best
- Mara Zapata
- Jaime Petralanda
- Billy Bain
Maria Mitchell was not at the meeting and did not vote on the matter.
This is not necessarily the final rate. As the city goes through the budget process, they have the option to lower it. However, if it were to stay at 7.50, it would be an increase over the current rate of 7.35. At 7.5, the City of Miami Springs would have one of the 5 highest millage rates in the county.
The table below includes all the current millage rates for all Miami-Dade County Municipalities. Here are the current millage rates for our neighboring cities:
- Miami Springs: 7.35
- Hialeah: 6.3018
- Virginia Gardens: 5.10
- Medley: 6.30
- Doral: 1.90
- Miami: 7.5865
- Coral Gables: 5.590
when we remove our city leaders.
The question is why the increase? The city had an increase of 4.8% in taxable value from the prior year. This is before the proposed tax rate increase. These actions are harmful to our property values, keeping potential buyers away because of the high taxes. Property values are near their peak of 2005-2007. We have had several new commercial projects proposed and completed which were approved due to their potential to increase our commercial tax base which would allow for the tax rate to be lowered. When are our city leaders going to start rolling back the tax rate?