As you know, the elderly are more vulnerable to COVID-19 (aka Chinese Coronavirus).  In response to the County Mayor’s issuance of a State of Emergency for Miami-Dade County, the County has ordered all senior meal sites to be closed effective Monday, March 16th.  This includes the Miami Springs Senior Center.

Here’s the email message we received from the City of Miami Springs City Manager, William Alonso:  “We have been advised by the Alliance for Aging that Mayor Gimenez has ordered all meal sites closed effective Monday March 16. This means our Senior center needs to close down beginning Monday. We are ordering shelf stable meals and we will be delivering the meals to all of our seniors home beginning Monday. We have been able to get enough meals for the next two weeks and will order more as needed. We have also advised our seniors that staff will be at the senior center each day so that they can call us if they have any problems or issues during our closure. Senior Center phone is 305-805-5160.  No time line was provided as to re-opening.”


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