Despite all the cancellations over Chinese Coronavirus (aka COVID-19), our right to elect our leaders continues undeterred. The Florida Presidential primary election will be held Tuesday, March 17th (St. Patrick’s Day) from 7am to 7pm.
Only registered Republicans are allowed to vote for their Republican primary. Only registered Democrats will be allowed to vote for their Democrat primary.
On the Democrat side, there are 16 candidates who qualified to be on the ballot, however, so many have dropped out, that it’s really a two man race between the self proclaimed socialist, Bernie Sanders, and former Vice President Joe Biden. Biden is currently in the lead in the delegate count. Many believe Sanders will not due well in Florida after praising some of Fidel Castro’s programs in Cuba.
Of course, President Trump is expected to easily win the Republican primary as he has in each state so far.
Here’s a sample ballot from the Miami-Dade Elections office. Reminder, polls open at 7am and close at 7pm: