EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY: It is now illegal to be in public without a mask in Miami Springs if you cannot be socially distant. Any violation of this Emergency Order may be subject to fine and/or imprisonment.
…Where social distancing measures are not possible or are difficult to maintain, all persons shall be required to wear a Facial Covering over their nose and mouth consistent with CDC guidelines at all times while indoors or outdoors, including, but not limited to, at government facilities, City Hall, community centers, parking lots, and retail, commercial and other establishments or facilities that have been authorized to open and remain opened pursuant to Miami-Dade County Emergency Order 23-20, as amended, and City orders.
- A child under the age of two;
- An individual who has one or more medical conditions or disabilities that prevent wearing a Facial Covering;
- An individual who is obtaining a service involving the nose or face for which temporary removal of the Facial Covering is necessary to perform the service;
- An individual who works in a profession where use of a Facial Covering will not be compatible with the duties of the profession;
- An individual who is engaged in outdoor work or exercise with appropriate social distancing in place;
- An individual who is eating or drinking;
- An individual who is hearing-impaired or an individual who is communicating with an individual who is hearing-impaired; and
- An individual who has trouble breathing due to a chronic pre-existing condition.
Here’s the full emergency order:
WHEREAS, on March 9, 2020, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis issued Executive Orders 20-51 and 20-52 declaring a public health emergency and a state of emergency due to the risks presented by the Novel Coronavirus Disease 2019 (“COVID-19”); and
WHEREAS, COVID-19 continues to spread throughout Miami-Dade County (the “County”), requiring extraordinary and immediate actions by the City of Miami Springs (the “City”) to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the community; and
WHEREAS, on April 3, 2020, the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”) recommended that persons wear masks, including cloth masks or other facial coverings, while in public to help control the spread of COVID-19; and
WHEREAS, the County has issued various emergency orders requiring individuals to wear masks under certain circumstances in public to prevent the spread of COVID-19; and
WHEREAS, it would serve the health, safety, and welfare of the City’s residents to require individuals to wear masks or facial coverings in any location where social distancing measures are not possible, whether indoors or outdoors; and
NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance with Executive Order 20-52, Chapter 252, Florida Statutes, and the City of Miami Springs Charter and Code, I hereby find that it would further mitigate the spread of the COVID-19 virus and serve the health, safety, and welfare of the residents of the City of Miami Springs to impose more stringent standards than those set forth in Miami-Dade County Emergency Orders No. 21-20 and 23-20, as amended, and hereby issue the following emergency measures:
- Except as otherwise provided herein, where social distancing measures are not possible or are difficult to maintain, all persons shall be required to wear a Facial Covering over their nose and mouth consistent with CDC guidelines at all times while indoors or outdoors, including, but not limited to, at government facilities, City Hall, community centers, parking lots, and retail, commercial and other establishments or facilities that have been authorized to open and remain opened pursuant to Miami-Dade County Emergency Order 23-20, as amended, and City orders. A Facial Covering includes any covering which snugly covers the nose and mouth, whether store bought or homemade, and which is secured with ties or ear loops. Examples of compliant home-made masks may be found at https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/diy-cloth-face-coverings.html.
- The following persons are not required to wear a Facial Covering:
- A child under the age of two;
- An individual who has one or more medical conditions or disabilities that prevent wearing a Facial Covering;
- An individual who is obtaining a service involving the nose or face for which temporary removal of the Facial Covering is necessary to perform the service;
- An individual who works in a profession where use of a Facial Covering will not be compatible with the duties of the profession;
- An individual who is engaged in outdoor work or exercise with appropriate social distancing in place;
- An individual who is eating or drinking;
- An individual who is hearing-impaired or an individual who is communicating with an individual who is hearing-impaired; and
- An individual who has trouble breathing due to a chronic pre-existing condition.
- Nothing herein shall operate to restrict any employee or customer from addressing any emergency or other exigent circumstance, even if a covering over the nose and mouth is not readily accessible at the time of such emergency or other exigent circumstance.
- Medical and surgical face masks, such as “N95” masks or other similar medical or surgical masks, are in short supply and should be reserved for health care personnel and other first responders with the greatest need for such personal protective equipment. Persons are encouraged to review and comply with the CDC and Florida Department of Health guidelines on personal protective equipment, including with respect to the use of a medical or surgical face mask, such as an “N95” mask or other similar medical or surgical mask.
No person shall violate the terms of this Emergency Order. Any violation of this Emergency Order may be subject to fine and/or imprisonment. This Order shall be effective as of June 27, 2020, 12:01 A.M. and may be further supplemented from time to time. This Emergency Order shall expire on the expiration of the Governor’s Executive Order 20-52, including any extensions. This Emergency Order may be cancelled earlier by action of the City Manager.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the City of Miami Springs to be affixed this 26th day of June, 2020, at 6:00 p.m. (EST).