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Hurricane Irma strikes Miami Springs with powerful Tropical Storm Force Winds and Hurricane Force wind gusts. Miami International Airport (just south of Miami Springs) recorded a 94mph wind gust.
Miami Springs was left with thousands without power or cable. Hundreds (if not thousands) of downed trees. Many roads were impassible.
The City of Miami Springs Public Works was at work Saturday when the storm effects started, Sunday as the storm was passing, and Monday for the big clean up job. (Special shot out to Public Works Director, Tom Nash and the entire Public Works crew for getting the major roads cleared to pass so quickly.)
Fortunately, most of the damage came in the form of downed tree branches and downed trees. Structural damage was mostly limited to downed fences and some signs. There were a few vehicles that sustained damages from trees falling on top of them. It was hard to detect any major structural damages to any buildings.
The utility crews have been out in full force to help clear roads and alleyways. But many alleys are still impassible which will obviously delay the restoration of power.
The City of Miami Springs has asked residents to move their City of Miami Springs garbage containers from their alley to their front swale.
Here’s the press release issued by the City of Miami Springs:
The City of Miami Springs/Miami Dade County debris removal contractors began debris removal on 9.11.2017, in response to Hurricane Irma that struck on 9.10.2017.
The City of Miami Springs/Miami Dade County contractors are currently prioritizing debris removal based on areas where Hurricane Irma has generated storm debris to the extent that these areas can be safely accessed to perform debris removal. Residents of impacted areas that can safely do so, are asked to place any storm-generated debris on the public right-of- way.
The public right-of- way is the area of residential property that extends from the street to the sidewalk, ditch, utility pole or easement. Residents are urged to separate the debris as follows:
VEGETATIVE DEBRIS (whole trees, tree stumps, tree branches, tree trunks and other leafy material)
CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION DEBRIS (damaged components of buildings and structures such lumber and wood, wall board, glass, metal, roofing materials, tile, furnishings, and fixtures)
HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE (materials that are ignitable, reactive, toxic or corrosive such as paints, cleaners, pesticides, etc.)
WHITE GOODS (refrigerators, freezers, air conditioners, heat pumps, ovens, ranges, washing machines, clothes dryers and water heaters)
ELECTRONIC WASTE (computers, televisions, office electronic equipment, etc.)
Only loose debris will be collected, bagged debris should not be placed on the public right-of- way.
Do not place debris near a water meter vault, fire hydrant or any other above-ground utility. Only debris placed on the public right-of- way will be eligible for collection until further notice. The attached flyer provides residents with a visual overview of the proper method to set debris on the right-of- way.
The City of Miami Springs/Miami Dade County urges all residents to make personal safety a top priority, and only set out debris if it is safe to do so at this time.
Place garbage containers on swale/in front of property, not in the alley.
For more information, please call the City of Miami Springs at 305.805.5000 or
I have a tree in my backyard that fell on my roof and on my fence. I have tried to call the city of Miami Springs at 3058055170, 3058055000 and 3058055030 but kept getting a message that the number is not available. Who can help me?
MiamiSprings.com does not speak for the city officially, but we know the City is working on public access areas. Roads, alley ways, utility areas, public areas, etc. They are working on picking up debris and clearing the way for residents and utility companies. Trees down in your property are considered your responsibility. You should try contacting a tree removal service. I too have an oak tree that went down in my backyard. I got a quote yesterday, but don’t yet have a firm date of when the company can do the job.
Thanks, the tree currently down is tangled with the FPL power line so I will continue to wait for FPL.