Miami-Dade has lost over 500 people to the Coronavirus.  The COVID-19 fatality rate is at 3.6% within the County. However, we wanted to see how the Coronavirus impacts people by age group.

The chart below shows the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 within Miami-Dade County broken down by Age Group.  The median age for people confirmed to have tested positive for the Coronavirus within Miami-Dade is 49.  The age group with the highest number of confirmed cases is between 45 – 54.

However, that’s not the age group with the highest number of fatalities.  We ran the numbers in the chart below and you’ll see that 69% of all fatalities in Miami-Dade County were from people 70 years old and older.  Residents aged 60 – 69 represented 18% of the fatalities.  Residents aged 50 – 59 represented 9% of the fatalities.  There were 20 forty year olds that have died from the Coronavirus in Miami-Dade County.  Only 3 people have died in their thirties.  One person in their 20s died from the virus in Miami-Dade County.

Fortunately, no one under the age of 20 has died from the Coronavirus in Miami-Dade County.

What does this tell us?

Well, it’s no surprise that the Coronavirus impacts the elderly more severely than the young.  I think data helps us with our personal responsibility.  We must be extra careful with seniors.  Obviously, this should relieve parents of children knowing that no child has died (in Miami-Dade County) from the virus.  That doesn’t mean kids can’t get really sick or pass it along to abuelita.  The point here is, we must continue to protect the elderly and seniors with social distancing, washing our hands, and wearing masks.

Furthermore, as the economy re-opens, seniors should consider avoiding public spaces to help protect themselves from the virus.  Younger people are not invulnerable, but need to worry more about preventing the spread to older people than necessarily dying from the virus themselves.

We hope this helps you understand how the virus is impacting people here in Miami-Dade County.

Florida Department of Health.



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