In a recent operation led by the Miami Springs Police Department (MSPD), a 35-year-old named Moises Ledon was arrested for felony sex crimes allegedly involving minors under 12. This story highlights the investigation and successful apprehension, with no harm to children, and urges the community to assist in ensuring child safety.

Arrested by the Miami Springs Police Department (Photo Credit: Miami Springs Police Department)

The entire operation began with a critical tip from a concerned Miami Springs Middle School student who reported that Ledon had been dropping off narcotics to other students in the area. The student’s information indicated that Ledon was not only allegedly dealing in illegal substances but also engaging in alarming negotiations with an 11-year-old student.

An MSPD officer posed as an underage student, allegedly confirming Ledon’s intent to exchange narcotics for sexual favors. Ledon was arrested without incident during a planned meeting.

Moises Ledon Arrested and Charged with:

  1. Cocaine possession (1,000 ft. from a school)
  2. Cannabis possession (1,000 ft. from a school)
  3. Lewd or lascivious offesnses committed upon a person less that 16 years of age
  4. Travelling to meet a minor
  5. Electronic transmission/ Harmful to minors
  6. Unlawful use of communications device
  7. Tampering with physical evidence
  8. Contributing to delinquecny of a child
  9. Resisting officer without violence

No harm came to the children involved. Parents and guardians are urged to contact MSPD if their child may have had contact with Ledon or has information related to the case.

REMINDER:  Everyone is presumed to be innocent until proven guilty in a court of law


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