In a proactive move to safeguard the community, the Miami Springs Police Department recently concluded a successful undercover operation in December, aptly named Operation Naughty Listers. The operation, spearheaded by the crime suppression team in collaboration with the investigations division, resulted in the apprehension of 14 individuals involved in various criminal activities. Notably, charges ranged from felony to misdemeanor drug-related offenses, including the possession of substances like methamphetamine, cocaine, and GHB.

Miami Springs Police Department – Operation Naughty Listers

The meticulous efforts of the operation also led to the confiscation of three firearms from convicted felons and the recovery of two stolen vehicles. This strategic initiative underscores the police department’s unwavering commitment to maintaining the safety and security of Miami Springs residents. By targeting individuals engaged in criminal behavior, drug trafficking, and illegal narcotics possession.

Miami Springs Police Department – Operation Naughty Listers


Miami Springs Police Department – Operation Naughty Listers
Miami Springs Police Department – Operation Naughty Listers
Miami Springs Police Department – Operation Naughty Listers


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