Miami Springs resident, Laura Martinez, lives along the beautiful Miami Springs Golf and Country Club. She spoke up at this week’s Miami Springs City Council Meeting to discuss one of the ponds on the golf course.

She described the pond as overgrown with heavy brush and not maintained. She claims that there has also been sketchy activity occurring at the pond. One example was a man with a backpack on a bike that would ride down to the pond almost daily. She reported that a car would then show up afterwards. She claims the man on the bike would throw what appeared to be white bags and then leave. She then reports that a car would show up afterwards.
She reported the incident to Miami Springs Police.
Pythons in Miami Springs?

Martinez also reported coming home to find that her cat had cornered a four foot long python. She claims the python did not seem aggressive and suggested it appeared to have been a pet that was discarded at the Golf Course.
Fortunately for the python, Ms. Martinez and her boyfriend were able to secure the snake and transport it to a sanctuary.
Security Concerns
Furthermore, Martinez brought up that the level of vehicular traffic on the golf course has sky rocketed. She expressed that traffic went from an occasional work truck to a constant flow of traffic.
Due to her concerns over the sketchy activity at the golf course, Ms. Martinez reported she had to spend significant dollars into a camera security system for her home.
Mayor Mitchell asked Ms. Martinez to give her phone number to the City Manager to let the Manager look into her concerns.
Gotta love how you included her name. Now if those are drug dealers, they know exactly where to find the person that ratted them out…
No different than if they watch the YouTube video that is available for public consumption.
Dug, thanks for sticking up for me. You make a good point. But, I thought about that. And I think they saw me taking pictures. In the future I need to be more cautious.