Florida Power and Light provided the following graphic to share which homes have already undergone underground power line conversion and which homes will be getting underground power lines in the future.

  • The areas shaded in green represents completed underground power line conversions.
  • The areas shaded in yellow represents active work.
  • The area shaded in blue represents future work.

There are no immediate plans to move the rest of Miami Springs’ power lines underground.  The areas that were moved underground were selected because they were the worst performing areas in prior storms.

FPL Crews Working

Even if your home has not undergone underground power conversion, it benefits all residents because it reduces the number of homes that will have have power outages in the future thus speeding response times to the fewer impacted homes.

FPL Logo

When will the rest of Miami Springs have underground power?

There are no immediate plans to move the rest of Miami Springs to underground power.  The FPL spokesperson stated that the long term underground program is a 20-30 year program.  In other words, it may take another 20-30 years for FPL to move the remaining homes to underground power.



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