I just accomplished some holiday shopping for sound proofing which is to say I’m straying from the ‘humorous’ for a serious issue facing residents here. Do you know where this article is headed?
Do we live here in Miami Springs and Virginia Gardens because of our serene, tree-shaded and not so busy streets? Yes! We have carved out an Edenic setting amid a sometimes-chaotic big city, haven’t we? Sometimes you don’t realize how good you have it until influences occur, which could upend your peaceful existence.
A hallmark of where we live is the peace and quiet of our neighborhoods, not allowing for the jet engine noise with which we must live. Maybe it’s not too bad in the farthest reaches of the town away from the runways, but the squawking parrots make up for that. These are among our daily noises. That, and the occasional ‘pocket rocket’ motorcycle idiot who wants to loudly ‘leave’ their tire rubber along Okeechobee Drive. This stunt somehow shows other drivers he has accomplished not only the loudest take off from a standing start but allows the other idiots on the road a warm feeling inside, knowing they’re not the most egregious drivers on the road!
We don’t, however, need or want the extra loud bass thumping all through the night from the Factory Town so-called entertainment district arriving on the back of a westerly wind waking and shaking our neighbors in the east and if the wind is right, all through our town.
Didn’t we enter into a legal agreement with Hialeah which mitigated the sound, so we don’t have to use ear plugs? Yes! The City of Miami Springs filed a lawsuit against Factory Town back in 2022. Factory Town responded by mitigating the amount of noise that impacted Miami Springs. What happened since then? Did they forget how bad it was for us? Did they think we had gone deaf? It seems they have forgotten our legal agreement.
From an article in Miami New Times from January of 2022, Miami Springs put its legal brief where its mouth is and issued a 37-page legal complaint against the owners of the music venue, Factory Town Holdings LLC, asking a judge to issue an injunction forbidding the defendants from holding another loud music event, which the city characterizes as a “public nuisance,” evidenced by 243 calls to Miami Springs Police during Art Week.
As of this past March, the boom boom was back. We’re experiencing a diminished quality of life here. Unless you have upgraded your windows, and that might not help, the bass cuts right through and windows will shake.
I could urge farmers with pitchforks and torches to take action, but isn’t that what the law is for? Call either of the 2 non-emergency numbers when your windows rattle. This coming end of year weekend bash should shake us up once again folks! Miami Springs residents should call 305 888-9711. The police may ask for your address so they could send an officer with a device which evaluates the amount of sound. The Hialeah number to call is 305 687-2525.
Miami Springs residents (And Virginia Gardens residents) should call both numbers to show them we’re fed up with this intrusion and demand the sound be brought down to acceptable levels for our comfort.
BTW, is the Hialeah Mayor’s in-law family fiscally involved in these presentations? Do some of your own investigating!
It looks like the city will continue allowing them to operate. They are simply laughing on our face. People can only take so much.